Life After People (The Game) *Group Up*

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Silent oo death, Sep 19, 2008.


Good find?

  1. Yah def. cool

  2. Nah sounds boring

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  1. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    Well I was cruising the forums like a good communal gamer and I stumbled upon this:


    Recently I watched the documentary; Life After People, which is basically seeing what would happen if humans were to dissapear all of a sudden. It looks at what will happen at certain times after our vanishing. 1 Day after, 1 year after, 10 years after, 25 years after, 50 years after, 100 years after, 1,000 years after, 10,000 years after and 100,000 years after. If you ever see it on TV, watch it, the best Documentary since Alien Planet. Ill give you a quick Rundown of what would happen.
    1 Day: Power Faliure, all the lights would go out, TVs go off etc, floods.
    1 Year: Animals roam major cities, Plant life starting to grow.
    10 Years: Plant life everywhere, starting to break up buildings.
    25 years: Bridges start to collapse,.
    50 Years after: Plant Life devours many buildings, Buildings collapse.
    100 Years After: Cats in Prime, Plants completely devoured Sky scrapers, many large buildings collapse.
    1,000 Years: Cities Are falling.
    10,000 Years: Man-Made structures become unrecognisable.
    100,000 Years: Nothing Man-Made remains save Mt Rushmore and prehaps the Great wall.

    That might not be correct but its off the top of my head.
    But yeah, its a great 2 hour progam, goes into detail about events that may happen, I recommend it.
    Now, after all this I have come up with an Idea;

    What if this were to be made into a Game?
    Watching the Program really inspired me. A real sense of creepy-ness came about me and I thought prehaps a FP game in this sort of Idea would be awesome.


    See the Other start here and vote!

    It starts out a cut-scene; You're looking throught the eyes of a Child, your younger self. You are just hopping out of bed and heading downstairs for breakfast. You hear no kettle or anything, you come down to see noone is there. You look all over but noones there. You crawl into a corner and cry.
    Cuts to your eyes now, you're in London, walking past an Ivy-infested Big Ben with a M24 Sniper-Rifle. You quickly glance at the now non-fuctional, cracked face of the clock. Your eyes dart forward. Right there; an Antelope. You slowly lower yourself to the floor, bringing the scope of the rifle to your eye. The crosshair is aimed right between the eyes of the creature...
    But you hear a creak and a crumble of rock. The antelopes eyes fly towards the clock tower and it runs off, you follow the pre-gaze of the creature.
    You see a huge crack slithering down the clock face and darting across the body of the tower.
    Its coming Down.
    You get up as fast as you can, running, frantically away from the falling stucture, you find cover from a rusted Ford Mondeo and peek over the boot. Theres a huge rumble as the Clock collides with the grassy road. A rock the size of a football flys towards you, you duck just in time. The dust settles, you stand atop the car and sigh.
    The camera flys out, and flys through the rough, ivy infested, creature inhabited streets. And stops suddenly at the Crumbling Tower bridge. The title screen comes up;
    Life After People

    The Menu

    When you select an option in the menu the camera flys to another abandoned building in London which, after time, will break in certain ways. The menu(s) will also have wildlife in the picture, moving about.

    Menu Itself - Tower Bridge: One of the walkways collapse and fall into the thames.
    Story - Buckingham Palace: Column collapses.
    Survival Mode - London Eye: A 'Capsule' falls off, knocking another on the way down.
    Free Roam Mode - Canary Warf: The Bullet shaped skyscraper collapses completely.
    Xbox Live - Piccadilly Circus: one of the Screens fall off.
    Options - Millenium Dome: A few of the Pylon things fall down.

    Ill breakdown Each of the Options in the Menu for you.

    Story - Play the Life After People story.

    Survival mode - Select an area of the World you'd like to fight against Animals (and other enemies that you must unlock in the story but Ill come too later)

    Free Roam Mode - Survive in the LAP world for as long as you want (days are the same in-game, e.g. if you're playing on the 19th of august at 8 minutes to 9 at night (my exact birthtime BTW) in-game it will be the 19th of august, at 8:52. Even if you keep your Xbox for 12 years, blow off the dust and come back on, the world in Free roam will be more destroyed at that exact time.

    Xbox Live - Choose an Online game; Free Roam online, Animal Hunting (shoot the most animals within a given time limit), Survival Mode online, Story Co-op and Double Hunt (you and another player are placed in different places in the world and must find each other by communicating through an AM/FM radio (Xbox mike) (thanks for the idea UNSC Leader).

    Options - Adjust the gameplay etc.


    Basically it will have a story mode as the same type as Dead Rising, i.e. Explore and uncover the truth of what happened, explore exactly where things lead you (this will lead into a huge backstory of a) about you before the incedent b) about the incedenet itself and c) a huge secret Ill come to later) or simply hide in Buck' Palace, kill the odd Deer for food and ask a more serious gamer from school how it ends.
    If you try and explore a lot rather than holing up, eventually you unlock new things;
    A Car - Unlock From going to a Garage
    More Guns - A Gun shop
    A Plane - Heathrow (more info below)
    And more!

    FYI Im going to tell you a bit about the plane. When you find it and in fact any vehicle, you must repair and maintain it often to prevent rust (see the program). When you get in and fly the plane you can fly it throughout London but once you get to Londons Boundaries it comes up with a menu asking you where you want to go. No need to unlock any areas, the world is your oyster. Make sure you're gassed up though or you cant go to certain places. Most of these places have a large structure that looks awesome when it comes down, you need to be there at the right time though (Event List in Manual). The cities you can go to are;
    London (theres like, 5 awesome structures to see fall excluding Canary Warf.)
    Paris (Eiffel Tower)
    Rome (Colleseum)
    Cairo (Sphinx)
    San Francisco (Golden Gate Bridge)
    Tokyo (Needle)
    Nevada (Hoover Dam)
    New York (All those lovely sky-scrapers all falling like donimos)
    Sydney (Ever flown a Cessna below a Falling Sydney harbour Bridge?)

    After a while Updates may come out with new places.

    The Endings

    Like Dead Rising there are different endings depending on what you do.

    Ending A: You die, and a cut-scene shows Earth progressing forward 100,000 years getting eaten away, etc. Then it lapses into that sattelite with the symbols on the side showing where earth is and what Man and Woman look like. It shows it slowly passing a sun and the camera rotates and a strange alien saucer comes into view, the sattelite is emmersed in a purple beam and is pulled towards the craft. Cuts to Earth and A shadow passes the camera, the back of an alien is in view and the camera flys up to show a lush, plant infested world. Fade out.

    Unlock: Do nothing (within Reason) for 40 in-game years (1 straight week).

    Ending B: You die, same cut-scene towards the end until the back of the Alien comes into view, now it shows a huge rock with a huge Inscription cast into it, showing what life was like on Earth and as the camera comes out a small city is shown (depending on which city you do the missions different cities), completey in-tact.

    Unlock: Fulfill the set Missions in-game.

    Ending C: You die but the Human Race lives on, the time flys forward, cut-scene is the same only when the Aliens come they are greeted by a Sci-Fi future world.

    Unlock: Uncover 'The Secret'


    You are Alone - Complete a Mission - 10g
    First Day in Hell - Play for 24 in-game hours - 20g
    All you Need to Worry about is Speed Bumps - Drive Across Tower Bridge in Under 5 seconds - 20g
    Block Buster - Witness a Toer block collapse - 25g
    Dinner is Served - Eat an Animal - 5g
    Bridge Out - Witness the Collapse of Tower Bridge, the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Golden Gate Bridge. - 50g
    British Ace - Fly Under Tower Bridge, Fly through Canary Warf, fly Past Buck' Palace, Fly through the London Eye (the supports eventually rust away) and fly around Big Ben in one Flight. - 75g
    Uncover the Secret - Uncover the Secret - 125g
    Gun Shark - Find every weapon - 20g
    Grease Monkey - Find a car - 20g
    Hunting season - Kill 50 animals - 10g
    Marathon - Go a distance of 25 miles (on foot) - 15g
    On top of the world - Get to the highest point in the game. - 20g
    Keep on rolling - Go a distance of 50 miles while in a car - 15g
    Madman - Fire 150 Bullets - 15g
    Ace Gunslinger - Hit any Animal In between the Eyes - 35g
    Three of a kind - Kill three of the same animal in one day. - 15g
    Top of the Food Chain - Kill a Lion - 20g
    World Traveller - Go to every City - 100g
    Destruction is the Key - Witness every Major collapse listed in the Manual - 150g
    Insomniac - Dont sleep for a week - 30g
    Looter - Change your Clothes at an in-tact home or shop. - 10g
    the Maintenence Guy - Keep a House standing for 2 years. - 75g
    The Reclaimer - find the Halo Mountain Dew Machine - 50g
    Big game Hunter - Kill every type of animal. - 70g
    Dogs Best friend - Save a Domestic Canine from Starvation - 10g
    Mans Best friend - Keep a Dog until its Death - 20g
    Home Sweet Home - Go to the same house at least once a week for 20 years. - 60g
    Blindfire- kill 20 animal in the dark-15g
    Damit! - Witness the collaspe of a Dam - 20g
    No Insurance - Crash a car - 5g
    Land Ho! - Use a boat to traverse a flooded city. - 10g
    Ouch! - Witness a building falling on an animal - 30g

    Thanks Shadowman235 and all the others for your Achievements!!

    Ill update them later.

    But wait, there's more

    Menu Pictures

    Title Screen
    Free Roam Menu
    Survival Mode Menu
    Options Menu

    Theme Music
    With thanks to Jet Wave for the awesome Find.

    Ive also been talking to my good friend Rockinpunk and he came up with ambient Animal sounds, this combined with a 'wild' drumbeat similar to the Wont Get Fooled Again drumbeat (once it gets into it) I came up with (on the toms) would be awesome.

    Other Fan-made Ideas

    - Day and Night transitions

    - Flashlight for night (you'd need to stock up on batteries early on in the game before the buildings fail or you'll have to be in complete darkness every night.)

    - Building Supplies (Early on in the game you MUST loot buildings for necessary supplies and store them somewhere before the buildings crumble destroying your supplies OR the animals get the supplies.)

    - Food Meter, you must eat a decent amount of food per day to live.

    - Animal populations per city, keep an eye on the animal populations per city or destination for if all animal populations run out in that city you must move to a different city before you starve. Animal populations regenerate over time.

    With thanks to ET2DMAX

    Some more locations to consider:

    China(Forbidden City)
    Washington D.C. (Washington Monument)
    Pripyat, Ukraine (Whole city falling to pieces, just would be awesome with the setting of the game)
    China (Great Wall)
    Istanbul(Hagia Sophia)
    Agra, India(Taj Mahal)
    Cairo( Citadel)
    Moscow(Kremlin Citadel)
    Cambridge, UK (Ely)
    Pisa, Italy(Leaning Tower)
    Chunnel, England-France(Player must drive a train through the tunnel as it slowly falls apart.)
    Toronto (CN Tower)
    New York City (Chrysler Building or Empire State Building)
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia(Petronas Twin Towers)
    Taipei, Taiwan (Taipei 101)
    San Francisco, California(Golden Gate)
    Paraguay(Itaipu Dam)
    Galveston, Texas (Moody Gardens pyramids

    With thanks to da5boroughs

    Name: Aftermath

    With thanks to da5boroughs

    The Fans who've provided me with Ideas and Will Get the Game for Free :)
    DeltaHalo_UK (just cause he saw the Documentarie today :p)
    littleicyman (cause he's awesome)

    UNSC Leader
    Sir CapsAlot627
    ROFLwaffle P13
    Jet Wave


    To clear up confusion there will not be any survivors because the Original Program was about what would happen if humans suddenly vanished and not what would happen if they were killed off. Theres an Epic Backstory that Im working on but havent finished yet. Once im done contemplating Ill let you guys know.

    Oh, guys if your Idea doesnt get put in straight away then dont worry, I didnt think this thread would get much hype. So if your idea is in this thread or PM'd to me its probably gonna end up in the thread :)

    The Official Life after People Group is up!

    Right, before you say "This is impossible it cant happen" it's a game. Also If you think that its quite British its because I am British, and there are quite a few American set games out there, so I belive this should be fine (I put in 3 states to make our friends across the pond happy).

    So, please only constructive criticism please, I put a lot



    *If You Have a Question Regarding the thread that Hasnt been Answered in the OP, Check the Replies, I have posted questions to already asked questions throughout. If you can't Find your Answer, PM me or ask in the thread. Thankyou* of work into this.


    BTW, I'm going to post this in off topic too so that everyone will be able to see it.
  2. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    So WHAT THE HELL is this about?
  3. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    IDK my BFF Jill
  4. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    Seriously, is this Halo or what?
  5. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    If you read it then you would know. =)

    Anyways, that would be a very weird, but in a fun way, type of game.
    This kind of reminds me of the upcoming game I am Alive.
    Now, this does sound cool and all, but it seems EliteMC is reaching for a full-scale earth sized game. I don't see that happening for another few decades, unless technology (and patience, geez imagine making the beast) advances like crazy in the next few years.

    All in all, it's a great idea, and it seems EliteMC has a substantial imagination and is very creative and obviously dedicated to this. Good luck.
  6. goldenknight508

    goldenknight508 Ancient
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    Deftinately too complicated. That would take years. I also think its wiered that its "Life After People", and you're playing as a person.
  7. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I don't think you should allow buildings crumbled before allowing the players to obtain their items. I really like the concept of the game. I don't think the game would be very hard to make. Just look at WoW, its a huge game itself...
  8. SE7ENS1NS4M

    SE7ENS1NS4M Ancient
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    Wow it looks like you've really put some deep thought and work into this haha call microsoft!
  9. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    Well its definitly not my idea. I found it in the forums but I agree Microsoft is probably cruising the nets looking for game ideas to steal. There will prob. be a Life After People coming out sometime in the Fall. LOL
  10. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    id play that even if it is a oxymoron
  11. charliezulublue

    charliezulublue Ancient
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    I loooovvee that show seen like 3 times just for the priyat part.
  12. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    This sounds like a solid idea. I would for sure buy this game if it was made.
  13. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    Yah me too but the problem is that it needs to be made first. Hop to it bungie!
  14. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    i wouldnt leave it up to bungie only thing they have realesed that is decent is halo and that is it
    i would go with
    • Valve-because this seems like something they could really pull off
    • Crytek- Iffy on this one but this seems like something the cry-engin was made for more than crysis or farcry
  15. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    Can't say that I've ever heard of those two, I didn't know what Bungie was at first though either
  16. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    valve is responsible for the orange box and the half life seris
    crytek is responsible for far cry and crysis

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