Ok, The first, second, and last picture will work fine for any DJ CD. Also, a picture of a model in a bikini, It sounds weird, but thats what alot of them use. And i would use a normal font but add some designs (extra characters) in it. This guy is hot in Zero Gravity Chicago. http://www.newwebstar.com/uploads/p..._1197302346_fresh_beats_euro_9_mixed_by_d.jpg or something like... http://www.zona.ws/uploads/posts/2008-02/1203324011_00-va-dui_mixed_by_dj_unreal-bootleg.jpg
Yeah that was the main thing I have to fix. When I started it I accidentally made the size too small. I made it bigger and it left pixel looking colours. So I just need to colour it in, but before I did that I was going to make sure if it look okay.