The one and only Sefton Powrie has requested that I acquire him an album cover that he can use to start off his DJ career. This is some of his work I put on YouTube. (I got the artwork from the video off google images and put his name there) LINKKKKK Wherever he can, he will list your name somewhere e.g on YouTube videos "Artwork by ____" Here are some images to provide a "Vibe" or a "Mood" for you, they are not necessarily stock images. Spoiler By reaper of bunny This would make a cool partial background if it was blended in nicely Debo37 made it I have nothing to give to the winners of this thread but posotive rep. Just so you know.
Doesn't need an album name. And the size is.. *Checks* .........500x500 You have a fair bit of space to work with! =] EDIt: this would make a good partial background if you blend it in Made by Debo37
Its not too bad, but It needs a bit more vibrant ness and detail to it. Right now its a bit.. bland? Add a stock image and stuff use some of the images I provided if you want. Sexy colours blendingness though, I like that. It just needs a neon techno feel to it.
Just a little friendly help Linu, try using a different font. The current one is a little too grungy for a 'techno' theme. I like what you did though, it's better than mine. Mine is way too complicated. And, Reaper, I like what you did too, although it's a little too much of a stretch from techno. Amazing style though. Still, better than mine. EDIT: Oh, I see what you did thar, switching fonts in the middle of my post?
switching the font was kinda important though, because like you said for Linu, it was to grungy. This font has a more techno/club them and I thought it suited it well, didn't remember i had it though until i posted. :/ Bad memory ftl. I like the second one you did, but the crazy rainbow stuuf on the third seems a bit much. Second looks fine though, maybe try some different color combo's though (green blue maybe).
Thanks for the link, but for some reason it won't download correctly. I place in my computer's fonts. It installs, and then it still isn't there. Could you help me out? EDIT: I think this is much better...
Once you have it DL'ed are you extracting the files, then dragging it into the fonts folder? Worked fine for me.
I might give this a try Mastar, later on. I'll have to set my laptop up properly here with the mouse and keyboard 'n' such... =] i like yours a lot Reaper.