Intimidation v3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by crazyzebu, Aug 25, 2008.

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  1. slicedcelery

    slicedcelery Ancient

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    I agree about the sword. I just downloaded and played a few games. This map is too small for the sword and it leads to camping. Other than that great map!
  2. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    sword is being removed =) v4 is coming!
  3. slicedcelery

    slicedcelery Ancient

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    Great! I'm looking forward to version 4! You might want to get rid of the camp spot, it makes me =(
  4. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    Got it...

    4 stars=wah =(
    #84 crazyzebu, Sep 8, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2008
  5. slicedcelery

    slicedcelery Ancient

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    Just played some games on the map and I have to say you did a great job with the asthetics and the gameplay. This map deserves to be featured! I love teh creative layout. we should play together on this sometime, my gamer tag is donkeyshlong42. Keep forgin, great work.
  6. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    whose banned now...

    thanks for the feedback! I appreciate all that I get!

    I wish I could make the next version but I do not have my xbox at this time.

    I've come up with some cool ideas for other maps though...

    As soon as I get back my box I will be making CHAOS, a crazy vehicle based minigame...

    I apologise for the wait and look forward to making more maps and checking out the great
    new creations that the forgehub community will come up with...

    any and all feedback will be much appreciated since I want V4 to be the greatest and final version of this map

    so long, for now


  7. Midnite Haze

    Midnite Haze Ancient
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    ok the third verison, the third 5/5 for this map, i love the sniper ledge now we can actually get the sniper, and the interlocking is defidently cleaner!
  8. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    I'm so glad you like the improvements that were made! It means a lot because it was a ton of work. This may sound wierd but is there anything you don't like because I'm considering what to change for v4.

    v4 changes already decided on
    >improved spawn points to prevent spawn killing!
    >replaced sword with gravity hammer!
    >added king of the hill!
    >added respawn areas!
    >fixed major camping problems in shotty camp spot!
  9. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    This map is great and i really like the river thiong and the ramps are nicly made but add some scenary to livin it up and make things fly around. oh and hi silence broken havent seen you in a long time.
  10. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    I'm glad you like the map. Have fun, I suggest team doubles, oddball, and slayer.

    i've got no munnies 4 scenery =(

    wat about silence?..?
  11. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Wow great work! The overall map layout is pretty unique. The ditch and the little crevices look like they will add much uniqueness to the gameplay. Weapons look well balanced. I am glad you put the sword on never respawn because it looks like it could be quite a camping weapon in this kind of map. The interlocking is overall good. A few touch ups with a couple of the boxes and some tweaking of the stairs would improve this a lot more. The gameplay that this map would run looks unique. I would say that the map might be a bit to spread out and not "flowy" enough but I don't think that is a problem. The post is good as well. Great variety of pictures. Some of the text on them got a little confusing though...

    Weapons: 8/10
    Layout: 7/10
    Aesthetics: 6/10
    Post: 8/10
    Overall score:7/10

    My final comments are just a simple congratulations and I am really quite impressed with this map. I cannot wait to see more from you in the future!

    -Th Kn1ght
  12. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    Some of the things you said confused me.

    First, tweaking the stairs, the only stairs on this map make up one wall on the upper level. How would I "tweak" them, they are perfectly straight.
    Second, touching up the boxes, what boxes and how should I "touch them up"?
    Third, the map is not spread out at all, it is actually pretty small.
    Fourth, "flowy", what do you mean by flowy?

    Also, sorry about the confusing labeling on some of the pictures, I got kinda carried away =)
    KB likes this.
  13. KB

    KB Ancient
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    By tweaking the stairs I meant the ones standing up.
    Touching up the boxes by just taking the uneven ones and "unclean" ones and making them better. I only saw a few of those when I played it. Flowy I typed too soon. I thought the map had too many ends when it really doesn't. I really enjoyed this map!
  14. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    Oh, now I know which stairs you are talking about! They are not perfect because it was really difficult to merge with the foundry ceiling. I will try to make them perfect for the next version.

    I will try to smooth out the boxes as well!

    Thank you for coming back and explaining what you said, I really appreciate it. I want to make this map perfect and I get most of my suggestions from comments on this thread!

  15. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Im not sure I saw the other versions of this map. What I see looks great. I will definitly download now. I usually dont like such small maps but you are very creative with this. everything looks good and very well interlocked. That oddball spawn is great death sentence. Plus it seems completly locked in to stop the posers from throwing the ball out or getting out with the ball. Great job and I will play on it today.
  16. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    There is only one other version of this map that I have posted and it is not nearly as good.

    The map is completely enclosed and inescapable. You can throw the ball down some of the hills to focus action in different places (and to confuse people!) Also I just love to drop down the center and smash someone in the back...

    I'm glad you like the map, thanks for the feedback!

    Also, does anyone on this thread know how to multi quote?
    EDIT: never mind about the multi quote, thanks linubudix!
  17. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    I was quite pleased to see that you updated this map and made a newer version. Many f the qualms I previously had are now gone, and making this map far more enjoyable. Initially this map impressed me, the gameplay wasn't perfect but did hold value. Being able to drop down through the triangle was always interesting, as it provided means of quick escape to an entriely different level. And going up through it, while it was a good idea often times I found myself slamming into the ceiling only to be caught off-guard by another attacker. And the above section does show vast improvement, I can easily tell that you took the time to re-do some of the less well done portions of this map. Well so overall, congrats on fixing this baby up, its good to know that you can actually take constructive criticism and use it to improve your creations.
  18. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    I'm very glad you like the improvements that have been made. I really tried to accept all the critisism and act on it.

    I have also noticed that sometimes people can't get up through the hole with the grav lift. If you throw the grav lift right where it spawns it should be fine but it is funny when people throw it in the wrong place; just chuck a fire grenade at them while they are stuck to the ceiling =)
  19. Runeman2

    Runeman2 Ancient
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    Hey, i like your map, the interlocking and layout is superb, really fun to play on.

    Unfortunately, your map has been broken by the Forgehub Breakers Guild.
    Deathtoll And i used a grav lift to get out of the wall next to the window panel on the top floor. you can see deathtoll and i doing this here:


    try removing the grav lift, or placing somethign to stop this from happening in the future.
  20. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    I'll check out the video but I'm just wondering how hard was it too get out? Will it ruin the game with people escaping or will it be so difficult to escape that no one will bother in a game...

    I cannot get rid of the grav lift because it really adds to the gameplay. It provides a quick way to get to the middle of the upper level.

    I will fix this problem because I want to make sure that gameplay is enjoyable and assholes are not escaping!

    PS: why is there a breakers guild, thats just mean =(
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