Star Wars TFU: Are you getting it?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by E93, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. E93

    E93 Guest

    Well, I just had to make one of these, because I am really in need of some help.

    All of you by now know about this game, and I shouldn't have to explain anything about it. If you don't know about it, read this.

    But, anyways, I've been hearing a lot of mixed opinions about this, and I'm not sure that the people who bought the game and said it was cool were only saying that to justify having spent $60 on it, and not liking it.

    Here's what I heard, and what I think:

    • Awesome Story Mode
    • No multiplayer whatsoever
    • No Co-op
    • Bosses are stupid.
    • etc...
    I really want to get it, but I know there is no replayability factor, and I'm not the kind of guy who likes doing campaign over and over, especially without co-op, or anyone to follow along. But for that and all those other reasons, I'm really thinking about not getting it at all.

    Most of you will probably tell me to ignore the critics, but tell me, on what exactly were they wrong? I need to know, so I don't end up spending $60 on something I might play a week, and that's it.

    Here's a vid review by G4 on in:
    Gamespot gave it a 7.something, and IGN did too, fyi.
  2. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    I played it at my friends house and the action was incredible. Nevertheless, I will not be purchasing it. The replay value is most likely terrible, and the customization is somewhat lacking for it's hype.
  3. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    I don't know, I was really looking forward to this game after the first time I saw it in game informer. Now, I'm not sure. There is no multiplayer and apparently the single player can get glitchy. The idea seems great and the force powers are awesome but the game really has no replay value. For that reason I don't think I will or you should get it.
  4. Cookieking23

    Cookieking23 Ancient
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    I thought the demo was great fun, but from what I've heard, that's the best of the game. Since I'm not really an avid SW fan, I won't be getting it, probably wouldn't even if the gameplay was better.
  5. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    I've heard from several friends that the game play isn't the greatest.

    I won't be getting it. I've already watched the cut scenes on YouTube so I don't see a need to get it.
  6. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    I have it, the only replayability would be with your friends though, laughing when you toss stormtroopers around.

    It's a lot of fun, and yes, storyline is awesome. Co-op would be awkward and make the game terribly easy. Bosses aren't really that stupid, I enjoyed the boss fights. All the one's were somewhat different. Making you think of new strategies, of course once you get that down, like any action game, the boss is easy, but not after having your health pummeled.

    I would say definite rent, see if you really enjoy it, and then buy it if you do.
  7. Shadow Tyrant

    Shadow Tyrant Ancient
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    Nah, the demo was good enough for me. It was fun for a little while, but a whole game of that? I'll pass. Plus, timed button sequences for finishing off the bosses ftl.
  8. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    yes ima gonna get it, but more excited about fable 2 right now. im probably save up to get fable 2, then get TFU for x-mas.
  9. E93

    E93 Guest

    Guys, I gotta say, I really wanna get it now...
    We had this reunion thing over at my house, I there were about 90 people, and tons of little kids too. They probably played through the demo about 15 times.

    And I know it sucks on a lot of things, but like, I still really wanna get it...
  10. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    the boss battle at the end of the demo was really dissapointing, i kep accidentally hitting the x button, because the attack meter pops out in a split second, giving me no time to prevent myself from continuously hitting the x button at a hundred miles an hour. everything else was really fun though, and replaying with friends would be really cool. me and my brother play the demo all the time over and over, messin with the stormtroopers.
  11. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    The gameplay looks fun... for the first 10 mins. It just looks too repetitive and not really that great. It looks like the same, kill stormtroopers by throwing them off the edge or something like that. But that's just me because I'm getting Fable II lolz.

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