
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by KrazyKraka3, Sep 19, 2008.


How do you rate this map?

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    2 vote(s)
  1. KrazyKraka3

    KrazyKraka3 Ancient
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    Redemption is a small 2-4 player map playable only in Team Slayer, Team Oddball, Team Capture the Flag (instant flag respawn - 3 second respawn only) and Team King of the Hill games variants. This map features a Double box glitched floor, two slide jump shortcuts to the 2nd floor at bases, and other strategic jumps for shortcuts between both floors of the map. This is the first map I have made using double boxes as the floor for the map. This map uses basic forging tricks such as merging and interlocking objects. This map has a symmetrical map layout with weapons located at the same spots on both sides of the map.

    Weapons on the map:

    ~2 Snipers (1 at each base 90 second respawn)
    ~1 Shotgun (Spawns in the center 90 second respawn)
    ~6 Battle Rifles (Spread around the edges of the map, just outside the bases 30 second respawn)
    ~4 Plasma Grenades (10 second respawn)

    Equipment on the map:

    ~1 Bubble Shield (On top of shotgun spawn/oddball spawn 20 second respawn)


    Slayer - The best strategy for team slayer would be to try to hold the middle of the map, if you are playing with a partner one player should camp shotgun spawn and bubble shield spawn behind one of the barriers. The other player should guard the shotgun player with the sniper from the battle rifle spawn on the second floor.

    Oddball- The best strategy would be to camp with the oddball by the plasma grenade spawn with a shotgun. Since the bubble shield is unusable in team oddball this is the best place. By the plasma grenades you want to position yourself so that you can see the enemy spawn zone through the bottom of the "A" and "B" signs. The other player on your team should cover you with sniper from the second floor Battle Rifle spawn, or stay behind the barriers at shotgun spawn with either a shotgun, or assault rifle

    King of The Hill - Since the hill is only in the center of the map, and does not move, the best strategy would be to camp it with shotgun and bubble shield. Your partner should be either on the battle rifle spawn on the second floor or on the second floor by your enemies spawn.

    Capture The Flag - The best strategy for this map would be to have one person sit by your flag with a shotgun and the other person rush the enemy flag with the bubble shield. If the flag carrier is being shot at, then deploy the bubble shield and keep running. At the same time have your partner come to cover your retreat to your base and, the enemy that is chasing you will most likely jump in the bubble shield to try to kill you. If the shotgun player is close enough that should be an easy kill.

    Version 2 Changes:

    ~Added more cover throughout the map to make it more playable (Changed due to feedback)
    ~Bubble Shield respawn timer reduced from 60 seconds to 20 seconds
    ~Lowered the run time maximum for battle rifles

    Link To Download:



    Attacking Team Spawn


    Defending Team Spawn


    Side View of The Map


    Slide Jump Shortcut


    Oddball Strategy

    Note: This is my first map that I have submitted to Forge Hub, please message me if I broke any posting rules and I will fix the problem.
    Gollygeeanelite likes this.
  2. drak

    drak Ancient
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    although looking very escapable by bhuddacrane, I believe this could provide for some VERY pretty gamplay

    rarely do i see a map that has almost everywhere smooth surfaces

    I woulddownload, but my mom confiscated my xbox like a *****

    so yeeaahhh sorry!

    4.5/5 from the pics though!!!
  3. KrazyKraka3

    KrazyKraka3 Ancient
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    The only areas to me that seem escapable would be by jumping over the bridge pieces. This should be impossible, because the natural barriers on the map try to push you down as soon as you make it half way to the top of them.
  4. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Hmmm...pretty dang impressive for a first map post. What really caught my attention was the fact that the boxes reach from one level to the next. I like that design. The centerpiece is quite simple but unique in that when you retrieve the shotgun, you are covered on both sides and can run up the ramp, which is tight. This would be great for 2v2, I hope you didn't use the unlimited buget gllitch because this could go into matchmaking! 4.8/5, you can eplace the barriers with interlocked walls of fenced walls. It looks nicer and plays better!

    Your welcomed mi dude!
    #4 Gollygeeanelite, Sep 19, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2008
  5. Shade9595

    Shade9595 Ancient
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    dude all you just did was promote your maps and said his map was good in 5 words.
  6. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    Once again, here I go!

    Map Design- The intrl0x is great. If you really want to spend a lot more time on this, you could merge some boxes sideways so that the tops show through the ramps on the sides, but that would be really tough. It'd definitely be original, though. The slide jump shortcuts are definitely unique, even though I once spent 2 hours trying to do trick jumps and could only pull off the ghost ledges and curve jumps, and curve jumps don't take any skill anyways. That's a different story for another time. Anyway, is it completely symmetrical? The sign looks off centered. It's really hard to pull that off, but if you can do it it'd be great.

    Aesthetics- Great aesthetics for a "new" map! It's like OMGWTFBBQ. The staircase looks cool, and I love how smooth the middle is. The ramp bases are also very cool, and the barriers add a good feel to the map.

    Gameplay- I like the gameplay, but it looks like a "charge in and fire your assault rifle" kind of game. I hate assault rifles, so that doesn't help very much. There aren't really any hallways, just ramps and stuff, so it's really hectic. To fix this, trya nd make some back passageways or something. Good work, and keep it up!

    Overall Ratings
    Map Design- 85%
    Aesthetics- 86%
    Gameplay- 75%

    Overall Percentage- 82%

    As said before, good job, but I think you can do a little better. I'd consider it great improvement if you could push your grade up to a 85-90, but keep working and you'll get to the glory.

    Very Good
  7. KrazyKraka3

    KrazyKraka3 Ancient
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    Originally I started this map in a unlimited budget map, but for some reason that I do not no the map somehow unglitched, and took half my budget with it, otherwise i had other ideas for this map and some things that i would like to update, but this was all I was able to do with the budget I had.

    P.S. thnx for the good review
  8. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    This is a great map! Your interlocking was incredible, and the overall design was good. This map looks like a good FFA map and small team map, but I don't think it would work that well for CTF. Otherwise a great map 5/5

    Welcome to Forge Hub by the way.
  9. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That interlocking is amazingly beautiful!
    I love your attention to detail and creativity =).
    This map looks like a good FFA map and small
    team games map. The staircase looks cool, and
    I love how smooth the middle is. The ramp bases
    are also great additions to this map, and the barriers
    add a good feel.The centerpiece is quite simple but unique
    in that when you retrieve the shotgun, you are covered on all
    sides and can run up the ramp, which is sick. I am really impressed, especially because this is your first map. Your post is very well done and aesthetically pleasing as well! Exellent work,keep forging because tis map is GREAT 5/5
  10. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Wow, this map looks great. The floor interlocking is flawless. The map seems perfect for 1v1.

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