So now that I'm not allowed to post threads for strictly CnC I'm gonna post a thread that is a gallery and ask for CnC. So here are sigs of a new style I am trying out and they all have something in common... They were all put away by Matthews on false charges. Actually that's not it! That was just a dumb Saw II Reference... They're musical sigs! If you turn ur volume up you can here them.... The volume of ur sould that is. And to all you who just turned ur speakers on... hehe. Anyway here they are (Oldest to Newest): V.1. V.2. Less clipping mask on the render. V.2. So that's my music gallery... Probably gonna be added to soon, also please CnC! =P
i love the last one, probably one of the best, the second one isnt that great, personally. but keep up the good job =]
I agree with Plugin. They're really messy and bad effects overall...the background is always the same...just a render and the city bg and some other stuff I'm not sure of...
I only used the city for the Adam Gontier one and the second Billy Joe one... Also yeah they are messy but they're more grungy than I usually do... Also new sigs are up. =)
i actually like the most recent one.. i havent been paying much attention to recent sig makers but the last one in sepia tones is the best of yours