this reminds me of my cad class. we all had a shared drive with a folder for each student, and i figured out i could change whatever i wanted. i changed everybody's folder name to "jew" so there was an insant uprising of "ahahahahha............ WHICH FOLDER IS MINE?! WTF!" i then got nervous when i realized it was irreversible. The people around me saw me do it so they were all whispery and giggling and i sunk back in my chair like "f*ck... im so screwed" I never got caught lol. I think you'll be fine on this one nemi, dont overworry like i did. I have a TI-84+ actually, i dont know anything about programming it though...
Well, it's in BASIC, I think, so it's really easy to. Just fool around with parameters and see where you're going. For an example, start add in a command that says Disp "HELLO WORLD" The Disp is located under Programs, I/O.
I actually have basic knowledge in BASIC. I also took a beginning class on c++. i dont programming capabilities on my computer but yeah. I've gone through the whole "HELLO WORLD" thing. lol. You're like a programming teacher nemi.
anyway i could reprogram my cellphone to be un-traceble and keep reapededly calling him with no callback number? NO PE 4 ME
most phones have an option called send number of call ID settings or something which let's you call people without them seeing your number so it just says "unknown caller" Also.. I think there is a code you can put infront of the number you're dialing which will do the same thing. I'm not sure what it is though. Its like 3 digits in my network. It could differ over there though.
Nice job Nemi... I see your plan for world domination has been taken into effect. Very nice job on taking out your school system first, may I ask what is the next course of action?
But I own a mac. I learned that from this thing called "The leet guide to doing anything on the school computers" It's the only thing that works. But it was NECESSARY when the school didn't like how much I was on FH, so they blocked fh (they later unblocked it for some reason) and blocked me from running FF2 off of my usb key. I just opened gpedit and disabled the "Anti-FF2 Hash." It kept re-enabling each time I logged off, though. But it was a hash for FF2, so FF3 always works.
I rocked emulators in school. FF3 > FF2 anyway. I did sooo many things to eff with my high school computers. I had firefox on a flash so i could change the IP and go anywhere. in freshman year we used the command prompt as a school-wide instant messenger. lol. There were so many holes in my school system it was awesome. That's one thing i do miss. I felt like such a haxxor, even though it was so easy. stalker.
Poor nemihara. We are here for you......barely. I will be busy so you are on your own for this one. Next time, look carefully and be smart. No offense though, but DAMN!!!!!!!
Thanks for that input there haha Nemi, are you in the clear now? Did they interrogate the whole school?
Awesome. You should talk to someone in my school. He would probably be able to hack into the system and change the settings XD.
i just loled myself wish my comp was like that but no we have like every website blocked including wikipeida so we have to use ****ing proxies
Wow Nemi you're screwed. But that is just kickass. I mean seriously you like hacked into the school's system and paralyzed the whole system. You are God sir.