Check it out!!! I got assembly! I will post some pics of me playing it shortly!!! It was released for like less then a minuet on xbox live market place. it must be an accident but i got it!! CHeck out My recent games!!!!!
Your last 200 games say you didn't. I checked in your service record. I say fake. Plus the medals shown on your last game match those of your assembly pic. Definitely fake. His service record: Adventure2
and WHO is supposed to believe that spam you just posted? how the hell do you know they didnt they DID, as well as me too so, how about some more photoshopped pics of you in gamplay also?
im just that beastly, unfortunately my xbox spontaneously combusted and I cant get anymore screenshots, its real though.
something tells me u cut and pasted w/ paint lol ha... nice try tho... wat will u post for a vid... give real post... vid should do it
Ok, its getting anoying now, you cant just get the map it doesnt work that way. Edit ^ wtf haha nice now what