Plasma Ball Created by Maxwell360 [br] Supported Gametypes: Custom Slayer Variant (Plasma Ball) [br] Map Description This is basically my take on dodgeball. You start off in a rectangular arena with weapon holders in the middle dividing up the sides. There are only plasma grenades on the map but firebombs spawn after 45 seconds. Also, at the begining of the match the plasma grenades are in the weapon holders but after 10 seconds plasma grenades start to spawn around the map. This forces the players to run to the middle to pick up the balls/grenades at the begining just like in dodgeball. Many people have complemented on the looks, and if you think it looks good now, wait until you see it in action! [br] _________________________________________________ [br] In-Game View [br] Overview of Court [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Thanks for taking the time to check out my map! [br] Download Plasma Arena Download Plasma Ball [br] Please take the time to view my other maps aswell: Hierarch Crown (S.S.S.) Ruin Crater Plasma Ball MJB Mansion (Gears of War) Sewers Shadowrun Ruin Crater V2 KwulBall Death by SUMO!
thats really creative... i like this idea... good job will load it soon as i get some time to do it...
The map looks really good, but the idea seems a lot like stickball with plasmas. You should try to make a way so people can't cross to the other side of the map. I reccomend using to rows of sender nodes, so if a person walks to close to the other side they will come out on the back of the side of their court. It could be used as a strategy if your are close to the middle, and you are about to get stuck.
Thanks for the feedback but having teleporters in the middle will disrupt gameplay in the sense that you wont be able to see your opponents.
I didn't think of that. It is still a really good map, but if you want to make the line between the two sides uncrossable you could elevate the floor by one box, then have fence walls a little bit higher than the floor in the middle, then put the gravity on high, so the wall is not making it hard to see the other person. Downside is that it will take away being able to jump to dodge grenades. If younlike my idea but didn't understand it send me a message.
It was a little confusing at first but I got it, I would rather be able to dodge grenades than not be able to cross to the other side. It doesnt matter if you cross because you can always be stuck, wherever you are. My brother had also suggested window panels but then it might hinder grenade tossing, also, I do not think there would be enough. I also realize that this is not the first dodgeball map by ANY means, but in my opinion it is the cleanest, and most even.
Don't you run over the entire field in real dodge ball too? I don't think you need to block the mid. Allthough maybe plasma pistol+melee may be a killer? Dunno if sticks always count, even when damage is on 10%? cause that'd fix it.
Maxwell what you could do is make a pit in the middle of the court that you cant jump over or jump out of when your in it. Fill it with fusion coils so whoever tried to cross has to kill themselves.
I've played a crappy version of this, but you took it to the next level. 4/5 good job, keep up the great work.
I guess you could call it that, but my gametype uses plasma grenades instead of spike grenades and some other settings have been altered aswell.