Haha. Dun wury. It's k, cuz I vote for you. The colors seem to just work, the aren't too bright and in your face, but they aren't to dull and unattractive. The randomness is intersting too...typography ftw...
I was gunna enter this last night but i got tooo tired can i please enter it late? i was really upset when i cam on today and they were voting already! I vote for the official y35 because it is trippy and awesome, totaly well done.
I'll have to go with sdrakulich's secound entry, I think it ties all the of the elements of a good sig nicly with the theme.
Juggernaut. His didn't stand out the most, but imo, it was the best made one there. The effects he put were great. If DQ gets a vote, I'm going to laugh. None of you gave a reason. So, reason, pl0x? =]
It's so hard to vote in this competition. The community really produced some great sigs this week(not that any week is different) and hit the theme perfectly. After some thinking, I'm voting for alby. I love that simplistic, colorful look.
i vote spagetii, it stood out as i scrolled down and the way he used the colors in the background is pretty cool. also mine is from scratch so dont think no effort was put into it. i am responding to what lord teerax said.
I vote Dq, The rest are good, but it really looks like he is a pro at GIMP and photoshop. Its like a beautifully crafted sculpture, with each line meaning something else, and as a whole it shows the true meaning of life. If you can not see what he was going for here, get glasses. He opened my mind about fish.
I am voting for LOCKdownN. It's patriotic, and it looks really intense. Overall, just a really nice job. It looks like a lot of effort went in to making that.
This is such a joke....... OMG I have 0 votes anyways I vote _____________ so ha I am not voting this time...
Your submission is really cool, my second choice. I am surprised that it has not received any votes yet. I really do like it. You definitely put a lot of work into it.
I vote for GunSlinger because i love the artistic look to it, and i think it goes great with this weeks color. but it would go even better if he had made it a bit brighter
I vote Megathumbs because his is very colorful and is the most eye-catching (no pun intended) out of all the entries.
are you serious dude....dont vote for yourself (unless it was sarcastic) even though, its still stupid./.....
GunSlinger Its one of the best abstracts I've seen in a long time. The colors are perfectly blended. And it fits my definition of 'vibrant'
Icecickle i almost voted dizfunky but i dont like the green part at the bottom. icecickle has amazing green-ness and i love green. its beautiful