This is a recreation of the map Dust 2 from Counter- Strike. It is a tad dumbed down due to the smaller size of foundry, but I believe it came out quite nice. the gametype is classic CS (which is assault), The maps is also excellent for Team slayer. The gametype is tweaked in order to resemble CS as much as possible, for example, shields do not regenerate to mimic a health bar. Map download Gametype Screens: Long A: Counter- Terrorist spawn: Terrorist spawn: Bombsite A: Bombsite B: Double doors/ tunnels:
Thank you for fixing your original post. Not having played Counter Strike I can see how this could be fun. Since CS and Halo are such different games, it would be interesting to see how this ones plays out "halo style". Nice work.
It actually works out surprisingly well. When faced with no shield regeneration, you have to think a lot more tactically.
I'm not a very big CS fan, but my brother is. I will download this and ask him how accurate it is to the original. Looks good though.