It's got a decent flow, but the sig is too dark, assasin's creed is a light game(visually), I would lighten her up, and mabey put in something else to help make the flow stronger.
ya i like, but it could be whit and blue on the other side, like assassins creed blue. and also, maybe try to find a C4d, ut might look good with one, but im not sure...
Looks great. Personally I don't like that type of border though. Other than that, I have no problems with it.
I know visually Assassin's creed is bright, but I don't want to make my sig look like the game. Also the storyline is a bit dark. Well the render had lighting on one side and shadows on the other so I just tried to make it flow. I also tried adding in some C4Ds but it just didn't go with the style of the sig. Thanks! I'm not too fond of the border either...
ya i think that is really neat... maybe more emphasis on the writing... but other than that the sig looks pretty good... nice work... i like 9/10
To meh on the right. Also you can't really see Altair very well. If u didn't say it was assassins creed I probably wouldn't have known. =)
I think everything is good except the contrast. One part is the bright light and the other half is just pitch black. i think that that is what is disrupting the flow a little bit. However, imo the border is pretty good, nice and subtle, text is in the perfect place. Just needs more definition on the left side to improve the flow.
I just noticed that Altair's face profile is very thick.... Looks like it's drawn which I don't like... =)