This map is alright. You have alot of good ideas and creations but the floor is way too open in my opinion. Did you use the budget glitch? Because it looks like like you wanted to keep going but couldnt. A few things I would change, merge the corner walls in the camp into the ground and Im not sure but it looks like you closed off the back but its escapable. But thats just what I can see so dont flame me. Also, a weapons list and an overview pic would be more helpful but this is your 1st post so Im not hatin. Please dont take these comments personal, they are just ideas from my point of view. all in all, igive you 3/5
Pretty good job for your first map. Your thread is readable and aesthetically pleasing. There were several things I feel could be improved. The interlocking is a bit sloppy, and the layout is pretty random. I also see many places where a little geomerging would totally improve them. I feel that this is a good first map but still needs some work... 3.5/5