Download Map Backstory: The UNSC has led an investigation to try to develop a new Spartan training facility that could allow Spartans to develop skills in all areas, making them better prepared for actual warfare. They developed a large complex with a lower area where Spartans could find much succeus with vehicles, and an upper area where infantry would be more dominate. Unique strucutures where placed throughout the facility to try to simulate what may be present in Covenant coontrolled areas. After watching Disney's The Lion King a UNSC general made a joke that the middle area looked like a cave where "the lion sleeps tonight." Although no one found it funny, the facility has been called "The Jungle" ever since. Description: This is a competitive map for all game modes. Team Slayer is recommended. The map also works great for Multi Flag, Assault, Neutral Bomb, or Slayer. The map design is basically two large floors. The bottom floor is very open, but contains two large buildings on opposite sides (the bases) and a hill in the middle, as well as unique ways of getting to the top floor. Two ghosts and a chopper are the most powerful down here. The top of the center hill can only be accessed by crouching infantry or by a ghost. Also in the center, is a large curved piece of geometry, when players approach it, they are tosed around the curve, and up to the top floor. On the opposite side from that, in the center of the map, is a large, pyramid shaped structure which players can use for cover or accessing the top floor. The top floor of the map is designed to give more power to infantry. It is very difficult to get vehicles up here, or move them after they get up. A fuel rod cannon has a well designed room to spawn up here. It is balanced, and plays well on this map. The room it spawns in is inside of a bridge, and has green lighting, which can make a sword turn green if you bring it in. There is a fenced area that extends downward from the top floor and allow for players to easily shoot up or down. Screenshots: A view of Base "A" on the bottom floor One Side of the Center Hill One View of the Upper Level The Pyramid Thing The Curve Launch Another View of the Top Floor Other Side of the Middle Hill Fenced Upper Area Fuel Rod Spawn Room (Has Green Lighting Inside, Fusion Coils Underneath Could Kill You) Under The Pyramid Thing-Flamethrower Spawns Down Here, It's Only Effective Against Vehicles Though
now this is what im talken about great map , i like how it can be played with any game setting love the kinda elevator thing you got going on,with grav lifts that take u to the top and i luv that jump thats sweet too, this should have been on ur application instead of tower defense, good job ,
I'm glad you like it. It actually is on my application now, but I couldn't add it until it was done. :squirrel_giggle: :squirrel_wink:
ok i was being a little 2 nice b4... lol umm u know the rolling dumpster and the spoil thing... switch there definitions around..., the dumpster only damages you, if it even manages to get u not taht hard to avoid.. aand.. spoil rapes you if it hits you still crazy map
Thanks Wrong thread, maybe? There's no way to kill someone with a dumpster on this map, and although you can splatter with a wire spool, it's hard to actually kill someone, unless timed right as a method of defending the main entrance to your base. If not the wrong thread, please edit your post so it's a little easier to read.
yep wrong thread.. lol i think this is about your other map... hmm.. somthing to do with a temple?... sounds familar... i dont quite remember what i was talken about but... i remember map... and the dumpster part, you gotta shoot fusion coilr which blows up grav lift and the dumpster is like a rolling ball of death, and the description of this says it splatters enemies... i think o well dusnt matter in this thread lol sorry i mixed up 2 of ur maps lol
he he yep, thats the one, and i posted there sooo... things good just ignore that, umm this map..hmm what do i think... well i like the fuel rod room, i like how u put gosts up on plaforms , dont see any other vehicles tho..nice layout ground has alot of room for veichles to dominate, good thing u put fuel rod, or they could go to top floor and it's nto that hard to stay alive up there good work
Thanks, but have you played it? There's also a Chopper in the middle that isn't very hard to see. And it's almost impossible to get a vehicle up to the top floor, however they're very useful on the bottom.
this looks fantastic, bit I have one question. How do you make the curved launch to work with the mancannon on the wall like that. Good idea and map
The curve is built of a series of bridges. I placed each exactly where I wanted it, then saved and quit the game, and did the next one. Once I had the curve, I had to aim the two mancannons on it so they'd send you around it, then save and quit for each of them so they'd stay in place.
Based on personal preference!!! I've finally gotten around to testing this map out. You have a lot of ideas that probably looked good on paper but fail to convince during actual gameplay. There's a couple of things I like about the geometry though, for example the alcove made out of window panels. Aesthetic / Functionality I usually bring this up in my reviews, but in order to achieve a good looking map it can't be stressed enough. I'm talking about Interlocking. You clearly know how to use the technique, but you fail at using it in a good fashion. For me aesthetic often makes or breaks a map. As I wrote earlier on in this review I like how you've constructed the mauler room, and I also like how you've mounted the A and B signs on top of dumpsters. But other than that I have to say that I'm quite disappointed. You've made a couple of odd architectonic choices if you ask me. Why did you decide that it would be a good idea to put stairs that are turned upside down on top of each base? The fact that they don't really go anywhere and that they don't grant you an advantage of any kind makes them feel out of place. I'm also seeing quite sloppy work with Interlocking going all over the place and walls that stand at an angle, this all adds up making the map feel unfinished. You should always take the time to perfect every aspect of your maps, even when it feels like a drag. The last thing that I'm gonna cover is the teleporters, you've managed to place them halfway inside a bridge making it impossible to enter the Fuel Rod room half of the time due to the fact that the "Teleporter is blocked". Spawning Now I'm actually quite pleased, you've placed many spawnpoints all-over the map and all of them are facing in a good direction. What I mean is that there should be little to none confusion to the players when they spawn on any of the spawnpoints. Good work. Weapons / Equipment You've done a decent job on the weapons and the equipment as well. My only concerns are that there might be to few weapons like BRs and ARs on the map. You've done a good job in placing the powerweapons, but it could be better. Powerweapons are an advantage, to get that advantage you should be presented a risk. But powerweapons are usually worth said risk they are worth getting. I'm sorry if you feel that I'm being hard on you, but it's the same for everyone I review. I post my honest opinion, and I give you my opinion in hopes of that you are going to take it as constructive criticism and thereby grow as a forger. Hope you don't take it too hard. Peace // gorebound
I appreciate your feedback on the map, however, I think that there were a few things in your post that I should respond to, just like you said in your post for me, please don't take this the wrong way either. The stairs are needed to get to one part of the base, they don't spawn at start though. The teleporters in the fuel rod room need to be exactly how I set them up, or they wouldn't work, I spent at least an hour testing many possible configurations for them, this is the only one that works, I had to keep it though because I thought the inside of it looked really cool. I don't see how I didn't use interlocking well, I interlocked every object on the map to make it all lined up perfectly, isn't that what it's for? I don't see why I would need more battle rifles, carbines, or similar weapons, there are a good amount of them around the map, and I don't want to have to many weapons on the map. I think the power weapons I had were good with risk and things. The fuel rod gun, you must go into the room and then get out to use it. The room is not in a very safe place, because it's easy to see in and shoot people through the fence wall, and the fusion coils under the ground can be easily shot by people outside as well, and the explosion comes up and kills you just as you get the gun. I really don't see how the interlocking seems bad, everything is interlocked to pefection, I spent countless on this, and went through many tests to make sure it was perfect, and adjusted many of the walls accordingly. One of the walls I actually adjusted five times, after thinking I had finally got it each time, and spending a while trying to get it perfect each time. How does the map feel unfinished? Why does it looks so bad when I spent so long glitching in so much stuff and lining it up perfectly? Please explain this a little better.
Do you mean that platform which there's no real need to get to? The visibility from up there is greatly hindered by the central structure. That's why I felt like there's no need to be up there in the first place. And I also tried to jump on top of the central structure from the bases several times with no success. But if they only work half of the time I think they should be removed, think of it like this. If you have a car that only starts half of the time, what do you do with it? You get it fixed or you buy a new one. And if you desperately wanted that room to be accessible, why didn't you make more room for the teleporters? To me, broken game mechanics makes for a broken experience. Well I guess that's a matter of personal preference, I thought that it looked sloppy and thrown together in some places. I actually didn't notice the fusion coils >.< sorry mate. That's a miss from my side. I just felt like the map had an over-all feeling of being unfinished, and I based that opinion on what I saw. It doesn't look finished to me, slanted walls, bridges cutting through single open boxes, gaps between boxes, angled walls that were sticking through vertical walls etc. Things like that. I hope you don't hate me just because I voiced my opinion. I think there are too few here on the forums that actually write anything about the maps except for "Cool map, I'll download it". Peace // gorebound
It is quite useful to be up there in many cases, especially in CTF. You shouldn't be able to jump to the top floor from the bases, there are many other ways setup to get up there. Did you see the curved launch in the middle? That is a main way to the center of the top floor. There is no room to make more room for the teleporters, they always work though. Once I got them like that, I spent a while going through them to make sure they always work, they do say they're blocked when you go through though. I needed a half teleporter to fit in the space, and I got it to work. Just walk into the other teleporters and you can get in everytime, it's not broken. However, you can block the teleporter so other players can't get in, someone must have been blocking it while you were playing, there's two, so just go in the other one. The open boxed are upside down, the bridges let you walk smoothly through them, if you look around it looks pretty good like that too. The small angled wall hanging out of the vertical walls is needed, because they're no where else to put the rest of the wall. It's also there as a walkable spot to stand on next to the bases and defend from. You can also push a barrel up to them, to sneak in one of the sides of the bases. There are no gaps between the boxes, I spent a while to be sure they were all interlocked perfectly together to avoid this. I do appreciate that you did take the time to do a good write up of what you thought of the map. It was tested by over 100 people before release, after the many games I played on it, everyone told me it couldn't get any better. It's great that you've got a long thoughtful post, however please take some more time to look around the map before posting a bad review about it. It sounds as if you haven't seen most of the map yet or seen how each thing is used, which makes it unfair to call them out of place or unfinished, as countless hours of thought and building were put into getting everything exactly where it is now, and they all have many reasons why they're there. To get a mancannon to stay at angle, you need to hold it exactly where you want it (hold the right trigger to tilt it to the right angle) then save changes to your map while it's there-don't let got of it though-and end the game. When you go back in, it'll be floating exactly there. If you want a bunch of mancannons in the same place, you may need to set some to not spawn at start so you can place others without them getting launched away.