Clockworks, The Finale

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Phreakie, Sep 17, 2008.

  1. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I present to you...
    Clockworks V3, The Finale
    Click HERE to Download

    I finally bring you all, the greatest map I have ever made, Clockworks. Clockworks was a map that started slow and finally took off in the beginning. Hopefully that doesnt happen to this Final Version of Clockworks. In the V3 I updated alot of new things. I fixed the bumps on the wall-to-bridge walkway, put a backing to the switchbox so its easier to destroy, changed the layout ever so slightly so it would affect gameplay slightly, and finally, I made a new V3 layout. I hope you all enjoy the new Clockworks V3.​

    Weapon Spawns
    **Grenades are in Pairs**

    4 BR's/2/30/yes
    2 Carbines/2/45/yes
    2 Shotguns/0/90/yes
    2 Plasma Rifles/~/45/yes
    4 Spikers/1/45/yes
    2 Plasma Pistols/~/60/yes
    2 SMG's/1/30/yes
    1 Sniper Rifle/2/120/yes
    1 Fuel Rod Gun/1/180/no
    2 AR's/2/30/yes
    4 Plasma Grenades/~/10/yes
    4 Spike Grenades/~/10/yes
    2 Needlers/1/60/no
    2 Frag Grenades/~/10/yes
    1 Regenerator/~/90/yes
    1 Power Drain/~/90/yes
    1 Bubble Shield/~/90/yes
    1 Active Camo/~/120/yes
    1 Overshield/~/120/yes

    thanks to Kidbomber and Squidhands

    Video is courtesy of Kidbomber or Kid9Bomber
    Also another video that was made by squidhands (Gamevee Video so i cant emb it)

    Layout by Fondry Designer


    Overview Screenshots
    V3 defenders overview
    Overview of most of the map
    Power Drain FTW
    Smoother Walkways...
    Box under the bridge switched for an open single merged and interlocked into the wall
    Overshield overview
    Switchbox (destroy the lift)
    Gate closed
    Gate Open

    Action Pics (about time right!!?)

    I like fireworks, big deal?
    Rawr!! Ima eat choo ! oh wtf is th!-
    More Fireworks >:D
    For some reason I always get a sniped at the beginning of the match, kudos to your headshot B100D F1R3

    Quotes from respectable gentleman

    I hope you all enjoy my map Clockworks V3! Again, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it. Thanks to all the people who helped test the map. And another thank you to Squidhands and Kidbomber on the Videos for the map. The last two versions hit almost 300 DL's so I hope this one does better. The map should have no flaws in Gameplay whatsoever not to brag because the power weapons are timed long enough so that they are balanced. As B100D F1R3 said,"Only thing missing in the map is a giant elite in the middle and an energy sword." Some things to keep in mind are the switchbox, leave a decent post like Th Kn1ght's post, and rep is appreciated because it makes it easier for me to check on this post. Until my next map, EGS BERSERK...

    In case you missed the download link, click HERE , to download.
    The original Forgehub Thread for V1 and V2, THEN CLICK HERE!!!
    #1 Phreakie, Sep 17, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2008
  2. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    The map seems pretty nice and I'll download it now after this post. However, In the 3rd last picture there is a geo-merged and interlocked single box open that is not perfectly interlocked. I would fix that in case of people flaming at you for it. I'm not saying they will but just saying in case. It's 4.6/5 and a download, I'll come back with a review later dude. Nice map though.
  3. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    This map looks great and definitely worth a download. After I play it I'll come back and comment on the gameplay.
  4. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm very impressed by this map!

    > fun gameplay =)
    > great layout!
    > perfect interlocking
    > near perfect geomerging
    > nice aesthetics
    > good choice of weapons

    THE BAD =(
    > pictures include spawn points

    > nothing, the map looks great!

    10/10 for the map
    7/10 for the post

  5. KB

    KB Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is amazing! The flow of it is fun and keeps you on your toes. The aesthetics are good but probably could be better. A few interlocking tweaks here in there and it would be outstanding. The structures of this map are neat and add epic gameplay to it. The curve with the interlocked bridge is my personal favorite. This map has a great size! Not to big but not too small at the same time. The switches were quite impressive. I have seen few maps that actually incorporate switches into them. As far as I know, it seems to be unescapable. I have not spent enough time playing it to know if it is or not. Here are my ratings:

    Gameplay: 8/10
    Explanation: The flow of this map amazed me. It had easy ways to get places but not too easy. Teamwork was crucial and much of the areas which made it a ton more fun.

    Weapons: 6/10
    Explanation: Ouch! The only part I dislike about this map. Too many power weapons and camping weapons which almost destroyed the map itself. You really do not need two shotguns or the fuel rod cannon. I kinda disliked the overshield but it wasn't because of this map. I just hate overshields in general. A few tweaks in the weapons and the weapon place ment could help a lot

    Aesthetics: 7/10
    Explanation: Great interlocking, geo-merging, and switches. The structures were all unique and very enjoyable you might say. Once again, there are a few little tweaks you could place here in ther when it comes to angles and "flatness" of the items. Other than that it was quite good.

    Fun Factor: 8/10
    Explanation: This map provided unique gameplay each time I played it. Teamwork was rather necessary. I really enjoyed playing this with my friends. I am almost positive they enjoyed it as well. The switches were fun to play around with. Although they were basic, they added some enjoyment when you were getting pwned.

    Overall: 7.5/10

    Final Comments: Great work on this! I am impressed and if you decide to make a v2 or something I am sure it would be feature worthy. The post was neat, organized, clean and easy to read so that was nice. The foundry designer pictures give a great layout of the map which I first used before I downloaded this map. Gameplay was amazing, aesthetics were good, weapons need work, and the fun-ness of this map was incredible. Excellent work and I expect great things from you in the future!

    -Th Kn1ght
    A SouthPark Kid likes this.
  6. crazeye0

    crazeye0 Ancient
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    It is a very good map indeed. The interlocking is rather smooth, and the geo-merging adds a nice elemnt to the gameplay. The temporary dumspter thing is quite good to, and me, and my two friends which played it with me all agree it's a very good map to play on.

    I only have two problems with it, but their very minor and don't realy effect my opinion on the map, nor does it effect the gameplay. The mounted/floating Fuel rod gun can be quite annoying to pick up, as usualy I fall through the hole there, unless that's the point, then I don't mind.

    As well as that once the dumpster "dissapears", sometimes when walking across the pathway above it I encounter a small jump caused by a grav lift, but it's not that big a deal.

    Overall I would give this an 9/10 due to the excellent forging and gameplay, however, almost too many stickys for my liking =/

    Good map!

    Recommended for feature!
    #6 crazeye0, Sep 17, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2008
  7. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    OMWFGHWQNW if u understand that u good cause its just random capitol letters... FINALE post wow i was waiting hoping... N I NO MY VOTE DOESNT COUNT BUT FEATURE MATERIAL HERE.... this is winsauce INTERLOCKIN=5/5 smooth and neat... GEOMERGING=5/5 flat and well positioned... LAYOUT 97/100 or 9.7/10 hoping for some more changes to it :< but it still is uber win... I LIKE I LIKE I LIKE... weapon layout wins... switch could use ARROWS lol haha inside joker...5/5 i love it im downloading
  8. Pacific State7

    Pacific State7 Ancient
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    Thanks for telling me about this. The V3 looks very nice. I like the way you finally perfected the catwalks and I really dont see any problem with the weapon placement Th Kn1ght Great map Berserk. This better get featured :p
  9. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Maps great, it looks great, and most likely is great. I would work on the places that could be camped on. It looks like there is plenty of places for it.

  10. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    This map is beatiful, simply beautiful. The gameplay looks smooth. The aesthetics are very pleasing. A well-made map indeed. My score for the map: 9.5/10. Good job! Tell me if you have more maps on the way.
  11. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Thanks for the review i guess 7.5 is alright. I wish it could be better but I guess not. Anyways I see alot of people reccomended my map for a feature. so thanks a bunch.
  12. Kad

    Kad Ancient
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    This map is GREAT!
    The interlocking is nice and clean and I highly recommend this to other people who want a nice fun map to play on. Nice job 5/5
    #12 Kad, Sep 18, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2008
  13. God Of Forge

    God Of Forge Ancient
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    This map is epic. I'm sure it'll be featuresd once some minor things are touched up.
  14. pootytang

    pootytang Ancient
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    Kad I think you should probably keep that private. people arent fans when people break maps and realease a tutorial of it to the world. Any way the map was my favorite then and it still is now. Im going to reccomend it for feature.
  15. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Apparently, the post is dying, again. Please guys, actually take the time to leave a post on the map. dont just second guess it. and less than 1/12th of the people who looked at this map gave it a DL.
  16. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    Alright, I FINALLY got a game on this. It wasn't quite the type of game i wanted. it changed from a 1v1v1 to a 2v2 somewhere throughout the game... but it's not a big deal.

    anyway, the review.

    Aesthetics: 8/10

    Fantastic. Everything seemed to be very neat tidy and straight. There wasn't too much outstanding structures or thing's that really catch the eye. it sure doesn't have that plain and stale look though.

    Creativity: 7.5/10

    Nothing too eye-popping here. to me it's just a normal forged map that just plays better than a lot of others. Ladders have been done before, doors have been done before... but the layout it's quite interesting. haven't really seen a map with a layout anything close to this map. The only way this rating could be better is if you somehow incorporate a big factor in gameplay or a very interesting aesthetic feature.
    So basically, the map was interesting, but nothing too special and outstanding.

    Layout/ Map Geometry: 9/10

    Like I said, haven't quite seen a layout like this one. The bridges were my favorite feature of the map's layout. they give a high point that is advantageous, but not-too over powering. it really provides some interesting battles in certain situations. The door was a really good addition too. I love maps with layouts that change over time. it spices up gameplay a little as a "turn of the tables" type thing.
    The only thing I really didn't like about the map was the dead ends. i hate spending time to walk all the way over to a part of a map to find that i have to turn back. It's a time waster, slows the action down a bit, and it make's a whole part of the map go unused. But you did put an overshield in one of the dead ends which make's people go over there, but still, battles rarely carried over there, as well as they rarely carried over to the area shown in the 8th pic. So basically It seemed like battles mainly took place in the middle section and the ladder area.

    Gameplay: 7/10

    Not as good as i expected. The spawns were pretty good most of the time. I rarely found myself spawning in the middle of a battle, and i never found myself spawning right behind an opposing player. The weapons... err, they were ok. I questioned your choice of the Fuel Rod Gun. It seemed very overpowering on the map. I really think rockets would've fit much better. With the map's layout, rockets wouldn't be too over powering. Rockets can only shoot 2 fast rounds at a time, then an opposing player has time to attack the player wielding the rockets while they reload. While the Fuel Rod Gun on the other hand, has several rapid shots, faster reload time, and bounce off the walls if you shoot pretty close to one. During my experience of forging and playing maps... I've come to learn that The Fuel Rod Gun is very powerful in certain types of maps. and it was VERY powerful in this map. They only work on maps with a lot of wide open space.

    Another thing i didn't quite like about gameplay... the grenades. Just way too much on the map. grenade spammage took place EVERYWHERE almost all the time. and whenever i would kill someone, i would only die too as they stuck a plasma in my face before dieing. it seemed to happen almost everytime. you had a plethora of grenades on the map. I always found myself with a plasma or spike grenade as opposing players obviously did as well. I've always hated grenade spammage in maps, so i absolutely hated it here.

    The balance of weapon's and equipment was pretty good though. no team was in control of all the weapons, and it was a pretty close match the whole game. It just wasn't too fun for me with the overstock of weapons and grenades. Overshield AND Active Camo on a map is just too much for me.

    Overall: (Average of Above Scores) 8/10

    That's an above average score. It's a good balanced map, and the spawns are pretty decent. It just wasn't a very fantastic playing map and it wasn't too outstanding.
  17. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    I got to download and play some FFA with my friends, and I have to say I loved this map. I have no idea what other versions were like, but I saw the previous ones floating around on the site for awhile and when you said "the finale" I hit the DL button.

    Everyone in my party absolutely adored the map. We only played slayer so I have no idea what the switch does for the game. The weapons however are phenomenal, my only complaint was the fuel rod, its a little under powered for its long respawn. I prefer the rocket launcher, but its your map not mine. Shotgun and sniper were spread enough that no one could get both of them with full ammo. Equipment was placed perfectly, they provided support without to many in one area.

    A map of pure awesome, not that crappy watered down awesome.

    P.S. Forgot where I saw it but I'm looking forward to the map you gave us an overview to
  18. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    yayz! u took my advice! sweet nice to see im having an impact on the overall outtake.

    brb, im in the middle of a 3v3 TS of clockworks V2 (irony huh) ;)
  19. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Oh dang it! I forgot to put that I definetly think this is feature worthy. You did a spectacular job!
  20. DekuLink333

    DekuLink333 Ancient
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    This is the kinda map that is fun yet respectable. One of my favorite maps now. Keep forging!

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