For all those involved in today's game, the game is at 13:00 PM GMT, approximately 5 hours from now. I will add you on my chonkemp gamertag, and will have an open custom game party waiting for those involved. Any other people from this site are also welcome.
I want to sign up for the sunday. Its at ten am central time right? Also, nitrotomato, if you get this send me a PM in live or else i wont get the message. Thanks!!
Alright. Friday event was another phail, noone turned up except Antibubu. lol. Sunday's event is still on. 17:00PM GMT (+ 1). Use this site to convert the zones if you're not sure! I am going to add you all on my chonkemp gamertag.
Ok I Have Found A Infection Map I Played It A Few Times And Its Good
Today's game went really well, I felt, with the highlight definitely being Convoy Ambush. Most of the time we had the full 16, and it was great. Unfortunately, I started about 45 minutes late as an event I was attending overran by 4 hours. I also had to leave early for dinner. Sorry about that. Hope you guys survived without me Will post pictures and a summary soon; for next week's game!
I just found out about this group, and may I be the first to express my amazing sycedness. From the recap of the last game, this looks like exactly the hardcore zombies experience that I strive to achieve every time I start an infection party. However, I may only be able to attend every-other event, as I switch houses ever week and only have 1 360. I would love to take some of the workload off of anyone who thinks they need a hand. This is the kinda thing I really get passionate about. Why, about 30 seconds after first hearing about this group, I made this: And then this morning, I felt artistic, so here ya go: Im gonna put that second one in my sig with a link to this thread. I really wanna see this think take off. I may actually start about building it's own website... Thats all for now. You're falling faster, obey your master, Jester