Debate Major League Gaming, Sport?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shanon, Sep 18, 2008.

  1. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    7 athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.

    That my friends is the deinition of: Sport.
    Now, according to many gamers MLG or just professional gaming in any area is a sport. They argue that it takes skills such as judgement, team-work, hand eye coordination and focus.

    In my opinion yes gaming does, It takes all of those.

    But, another side argues that sports require more physical movement than just simply moving your eyes and thumbs.

    And in the words of many people, discuss.
  2. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Well, in some ways it could be considered a team sport. But, when I think of a sport I think of soccer, basketball, etc. Something that requires physical effort. Although it could be argued that teamwork makes a sport a sport. Major League Gaming does require a lot of teamwork and effort. It also requires that you practice techniques such as sniping, BR, and other tactics. That's just my opinion, but other people may think differently.
    #2 Psycho, Sep 18, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2008
  3. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    If MLG becomes a sport, then I don't know what won't be considered a sport.

    For an example, we still hold the outrageously stupid Olympic event called curling. Why not include poker as an event in the Olympics too, then?

    But anyways, it's feasible that MLG could become a sport. Just don't start calling the players 'athletes'.
  4. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    I don't think that you can say if something is a sport or not by simply checking to see how physical it is. In my opinion a sport doesn't have to require much physical activity. Anything that you must train and practice for and that requires great amounts of skill to succeed at (and that is generally accepted that it has more complexities than something like curling), should (and probably is) called a sport. MLG is a perfect example. The players train a lot and must work together as a close team, using intelligent strategies to win.
  5. I No Quarter I

    I No Quarter I Ancient
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    playing guitar? building a house? although i know what you mean, i feel that there has to be a more strict definition of a sport, because technically moving your thumbs and fingers on a control pad is still a physical skill. the definition ive always thought would be good, is that in a sport, if played correctly, you sweat in. obviously this is only my personal one that takes common sense to use, because in this case sex is defined as a sport. i'd probably call halo a game as opposed to a sport, along with golf, darts, poker etc
  6. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    I agree with Nemi. It is a sport. Although there isnt much "motion," response and reflexes are very important. Its using your body in a different way than most people think, but a degree of physical and mental tuning is necessary.

    It is a sport. They arent atheletes, but it is a sport.
  7. allnamesrtakent

    allnamesrtakent Ancient
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    its not a sport, its a competetion. like throwing darts. theres simply not enough physical activity for the people to be considered athletes
  8. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    The problem is that folks are too picky. Sure, it's a sport. Just as the MLG guys claim. It requires things that any physical sport requires, minus the physical part. There are different kinds of sports. Poker and Nascar don't require great amounts of physical activity, but you can watch them both on ESPN.
  9. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Anyone who thinks gaming/MLG is a sport -
    Quickly, find a sharp object.
    Now, dig it deep into your arm.

    I mean come on. A sport is requires skill, competition, tactics, and physical prowess. A video game lacks physical prowess, and therefore cannot be a sport.

    I'm fine (relitively) with gaming being considered a professional thing, but just because something is professional, does not mean it is a sport. You can have professional card players, its still a game.


    Cards requires skill, competition and tactics, but not physical prowess.
    Video games require skill, competition, tactics, but not physical prowess.

    They're just games. There's nothing wrong with that, and there no reason for proffesional gamers to try big note themselves by calling games a sport.
  10. The Worker

    The Worker Ancient
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    Games - Requires skills, but I would not take it as a profession. What if a girl comes to you, and ask "What is your profession, or what are you good at ?" You reply " Video games, and I'm good with finger coordination's." That is lame. Is MLG considered a sport? No, it is a addiction that causes you to slack off your school work/life >.>
  11. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    You good sir, are completely off topic. You are suppose to be debating whether it's a sport or not. Not insulting gamers and saying that they slack off and perform poorly in their academics.

    And just for the record, a professional MLG Pro League Player makes way more then you. Just take that into consideration before insulting all of them.
  12. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
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    Yeah, seriously, professional gamers are pretty much ballin'

    Anyway, professional gaming is considered a sport the way that competitive poker is considered a sport, like some one already mentioned....

    You know, it'd be a whole lot easier if we just took sports and seperated it into two specific groups: Physical sports and Non-physical sports. I'm pretty sure you can figure out for yourselves what type of "sports" go into which category.
  13. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    If you're going to use my points...
    A - Quote me.
    B - At least know my name.
    C - Get them right. I said that neither were sports: they're both games.
  14. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Hop off your ego-box, Storm, because it's possible that he was referring to someone besides you.
  15. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    really if gaming isn't a sport then neither is nascar i mean oh im gonna take a left turn like that takes lots of skill
  16. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Not necessarily, the amount of stress put onto their bodies is incredible. Temperatures reach very high in the car and because of it the racers loose a lot of weight during their career.
    Not to mention that if they make a mistake, it might be thier last.
  17. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Wtf I thought I posted here. MLG is more of a sport than some sports like Stacking Cups so I would call it a sport but not a REAL sport like Basketball and Football because it requires physical movement AND skill.
  18. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    MLG isn't a sport, sillies. MLG isn't a sport like NBA or MLS isn't a sport, they are leagues FOR sports.

    I don't consider sports to be athletic activities. I feel that they should require skill and have the possibility to become competitive in nature. Gaming has always been a source of competitiveness and doubtlessly it requires skill. Skill that is obtained through practice and repetition (spelling?).

    Card games are considered sports, why not gaming? It's new and something fresh, but it's here now. I have had this debate with people and I concluded that it's a logics sport. There is always the possibility to be beaten, but you help yourself lessen those odds by training your mind.
  19. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    For Dented.
    Ego box? I read through after reading his post and didn't see your post. Mine was the closest to what he was referring to, and he got the post wrong and said "someone" in a debate. If he wants to be able to make a point out of someones post he should do as I said and A- Know who posted it, B- Quote it, and C- (a little redundant now but meh) Get the persons points right. I don't see how me writing that means I have a huge ego. He was debating wrong (from what I had read) so I saught to help him. Just because I referd to myself in the post doesn't mean that I was trying to satisfy my ego.

    And meh. I misinterpreted his post, what are ya gonna do, sue me?

    MLG isnt a sport. When you look up sport in the dictionary it doesn't say Sport:Anything seen on ESPN.
    Proffesional poker is a game, just like other card games, pool (both 8ball and snooker), etc. Nascar is a racing sport (though barely - but thats just part of my oppinion of driving around in a circle for hours =P) like [insert any racing sport here].

    For me I think the thing that really stops MLG from being a sport is that you can play it on the couch, and that it isnt real.
  20. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    I bet that some of the seats used by Nascar drivers are more comfortable than couches used by MLG players.

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