Debate Judgment-

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by dented_drum, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    It occured to me today that everyone judges everyone in one form or another. I roof for a living in the great state of Florida. My job is hot, dirty, and not exactly one you'd see the standard Halo geek having.

    What's strange to me is how much this particular fact affects the obvious opinions of others around me. I graduated just last year. I dress (when not working) in very proper, clean clothes. You could call me a preppy of sorts. At that time, I would go to a local supply store or a roofing site (in my "nice" clothes), and I would be shunned. Really, it was as if I wasn't on the same level.

    Since I've graduated and taken up my job full-time, I do a lot of travelling throughout the day in my work clothes. I've found that those same people at stores or small restaurants are as genuinely nice as people can be. Not only this, but those who previously felt more comfortable around me (bank tellers, general workers) now obviously consider themselves above me because my clothes are dirty.

    So, my inspiration:::

    I was in Chick-Fil-A today. A fellow worker and I approached the counter to place our order. After having placed the order, the cashier requested that we step away from the counter while she opened the register. Not entirely sure why she requested this, the both of us respectfully took a step back while she counted the change. A few moments later, we got our food, and she noted that it was "nothing against us," but she was scared that someone might jump over the counter and rob her. Even then, I tried to see the best of the situation. It was only when four gentlement in suits were nowhere near asked to step back that I actually got offended. Really, perhaps I'm beefing this situation up, but I really can't see how you could judge a person so quickly. Mind you, this is, in no way, a complaint to the restaurant chain mentioned above. I absolutely love Chick-Fil-A, and one judgmental worker won't stop me from eating there.

    Alright, so if you've read the wall of text above, please explain your thoughts. Tell me what you think of people who judge, how you judge people, and to what degree you think judging others is acceptable. Thanks.
  2. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    ive always wondered how some peope think
    like at school, im getting the best grades but since im a little bit geek, im called stupid. so i think the world may never know...
    next tme ask the counter person to atleast remember shes not alone
  3. yomtvraps

    yomtvraps Ancient
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    Interesting topic. I work at Target, but come from an upperclass family. So when I work their sometimes customers talk down at me like I'm some kind of peasant. I've just learned to ignore them. people will always judge even if they don't act on their judgements. You can see this when you go to sporting events too. Last year my friend and I went to our highschool baseball team's championship game. We got in fine but when we were watching the security people outside they usely only frisked black people and latinos. And this is in California. I think it's fine to judge people as long as you're doingit for the right resons andto keep yourself safe. however just judging people, because your prejudice is wrong. You should keep going to Chik Fil A, because one beezy shouldnt ruin it for you.
    dented_drum likes this.
  4. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    People judge because it is part of their instinct. We will instinctively try to know about our environment so we can better react to it. When people see someone in dirty clothes we immediately make assumptions about that person- everyone does it. What we (as a society) really need to try to do is judge less from physical appearance and more from actions. I don't mean that you should get to know every person on the street before you say something about them, but at least we should try to look past the exterior and think before we make an educated judgement.
    On the topic of racism, I actually don't find racism nearly as bad as most people. An arab may get mad at being taken aside and having his bags searched- but given recent circumstances it is far more likely for an arab to be carrying out terrorist acts than a white man. It's a sad fact, but true and you just need to live with it.
    dented_drum and Darkdragon like this.
  5. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I understand what you mean about being judged by your looks, posture, clothing or even race. I'm a college kid and we just moved to a new area which was much better than the last area we lived in. I used to attend a college in the last area (that I do not miss) and will be attending college once again in the spring season. To give you an idea of what it was like, imagine my wife and I (she is 19 I am 18) being followed by the owner of some shady quick-e mart. He is watching our every move, keeping a keen eye on us. We both noticed this as soon as we walked in the door. As he kept following us around for the last minute and a half, I confronted him. I asked why he was following me around. He replied, because you college students like to come in here and steal from me. I replied, well sure we go to the college, but we aren't your average college frat kids. He said, well I don't believe ya. I replied, look at our wedding rings. These cost more than anything in this stupid store. He apologized and we left and went to a different store.

    It's actually normal for people to judge stuff. We judge stuff every day, from the moment we wake up. For instance, you choose one outfit over all the others. Thats a judgment. I'm sure everyone has looked at two cars parked next to each other and said that they didn't like one of them, or either. Although, that judgment is normal, judging people by specific things is wrong and will always be wrong, but it still happens and there isn't much we can do to stop it. Anyways, that is my take on this subject.
    dented_drum likes this.
  6. God Of Forge

    God Of Forge Ancient
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    True, we are all judgemental; but it is our judgement that has saved many people's things and lives. I wouldn't be offended by it.
  7. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    If people didn't make judgements, the earth would be a much better place. I try to know people before I ridicule them. And they have to be a serious jackass to get ridiculed by me.
    dented_drum likes this.

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