I was just watching Anchorman, a relatively outdated movie, and I was thinking due to all of it's epicness that I needed to make a sig. So I googled up Anchorman and found this. One question though. I didn't make it, so it's possible that it has been waaaay overused in the past without my knowing. So has anybody seen this here on Forgehub before?
I haven't seen it before... Kinda not that epicly funny though. You should have baxter being punted or something. =)
i agree w/ lord... punting = win sauce n no ive never seen it b4... but put someting FH in there.... if u no what i mean i think u should do baxter being punted too way funnier... but u do as u wish... comment me if u remeber when uve got it done
or just have the retarded guy running around with the grenade or throwing that spear and killing the dude.
Epic. That is a really funny movie in my opinion. He is great in that. That was one of the movies that really accelerated his career.
Bricks not a retarded guy... He's just mentally challanged. And yes that would be hilarious just having brick running around w/ a grenade screaming! =)