First off read the bungie weekly update that came out today: : Inside Bungie : News Now read this but read what I have to say after as well : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Several people have confirmed that after the new site update there were 7 new heatmaps all labeled as secret but this was quickly taken off and the heatmaps were not up for a while. People at first speculated that these were the new variants of pit, snowbound, etc. but that makes little sense given that those are variants of existing maps, and there would be no reason to remove them. If you've been following bungie you'll remember the leaked pax achievements there was a list of six maps and skulls that would accompany them. Name below: - Assembly - Longshore - Orbital - Heritic - Sandbox - Citadel I think we can be pretty sure these are all multiplayer maps because we already know assembly, we think we've seen sandbox (edge acceptance video), and orbital sounds like moonbase alpha. So how does this all come together? I remember luke saying in an update how giddy people were about the tentative plan for the spring and I think this is why. All six of those maps will come next week at the same time as au2. The seventh map will come two days later on halo's bday and I'm guessing will be a remake and probably free as well. The thursday update also supports this, because it leaves tomorrow open for unveiling the mythic map pack. Someone asked why the update was released on thursday and the response was truly fitting: Achronos: Why indeed? : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing I'm going to wet myself if we get seven new maps next week, discuss and thank me for this awesome post.
i highly doubt they will come out with seven maps. maybe a map pack of 3, then another 1 map for free on halo 3's b-day. the other three maps will probably come out in the spring.
Then why seven slots for new maps in the site update? @Lycosa: well that really only confirms one new map being worked on but yeah I noticed that too.
7 maps? For free? Kinda doubt that but it would be really cool. Anyways hopefully there is at least a sandbox map.
Or maybe they are just showing us one map called secret! If you remember, Bungie usually shows one map at a time. Normally. I really don't know. Or maybe they are just CARAZZAYYY!
yo kno in halo 2. they released like the killtacular mappack which had i think 5 maps. so it is possible that they will release a 6 map pack and also. sandbox might b the map editor thingy. hopefully
The 23rd equals my birthday, this will be an amazing b-day if this happens! Also, it seems likey for them to release 7 new maps because Bungie is opsessed with the number 7. I don't see why there won't be 7 new maps anyways, I mean it's also their 1-year anniversary for Halo 3.
something big is obviously going to happen. but the idea of 7 new maps... it just doesnt seem right, i think theres very little chance we'll see 7 new maps, bungie normally build up maps before they come out, showing pictures of them being played on their website, showing weapon spawn points and other stuff like that. granted, it is still a week before the big day. i hope they realease them all, but more likely seems to be at least 1 map being released and other, more integral to the game changes, what these may be- i can only speculate
Anyone actually read the news at bungie? 7 new slots for: 1- Epilogue 2- Boundless 3- Sand Tarp 4- Pit Stop 5- Assembly 6 and 7 = Totally new maps This way we will have, like the other times, a pack of 3 new maps, while the other 4 are old maps changed. PS: what does means "inaccessible spawn hives". PS²: sorry for my english.
I never saw the Heatmaps that everyone is talking about. It would be pretty awesome if they released 7 more maps as well, wether they are remakes or not I don't care. Edit: To Dragull, I think it is the top rooms above each base. Not sure though.
If this is true im going to SCREAM W? EXCITEMENT... nice find... i wish they would release pictures of the maps other then assyembly... n body could message on my page when map comes outz... is it the 24th or w/e w/ the update or when???
I really doubt 7 maps, the only maps that i heard of so far are assembly, moon base, smuggler, and SECRET!