UPDATE: v6.1: Katana enlarged. UPDATE 2: v7: Katana removed!!! Heres my first attempt at a sig. The base was made by Zeus (he cropped and put Warfang866 over the original Why So Serious?. I made the text at the bottom, tuned the colors and contrast to my liking, added the Katana, and put the cracks in the image via brush. I also smudged Zeus's text. So what do you think?
i think it pretty cool, but i think you should either make the cracks a little less or make the cracks or base a little brighter, a little more noticeable. Also, im glad you liked the sig i made you. But next tie, please ask to edit the sigs i make for you please, im just fine with you doing it know, and i know i never said you couldnt, so its partly my fault, but next time ask, thanks!
o ya, i meant to say that too, its too small, and also if the text wasnt in the way, then i would say put it on the other side, because its somewhat weird that the katana is basically coming out his head lol
Haz to go... Anyway the cracks are on the Joker too and make it look like it's just flat. The cracks should only be behind the joker so it looks like he's standing in front of a cracked wall. =)
It as actually supposed to look like a cracked mirror. I am looking for a better brush that looks like broken glass.
I really don't like the katana, it seems random and out of place and is sharper than the Joker making it look weird.