
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by RioT 17, Feb 10, 2008.

  1. RioT 17

    RioT 17 Ancient
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    Map: Insurgent
    Game Types: Slayer and Team Slayer
    Creator: RioT 17

    Party size: 2-4 Team slayer 2-4 slayer


    Insurgent is a mixture of all my favorite maps. The little rat holes ,as I like to call them, are from The Estate. The walls are from trainning ground, because I thought it was cool that crouching was a usefool tool in it. And last but not least are the little rooms on the sides and the roof. The roof is from my map caverns and the little rooms were a last minute idea.

    Weapons and equipment:

    2- BR's
    1- Needler
    2- Brute shots
    2- Plasma Pistols
    4- SMG's
    1- Covenet Carbine
    1- Bubble Shield
    4- Spike Grenades

    Most people are curious to know haw long a map like this took. Well, if you include the one miss save, re-doing the roof, and the spawns and testing it will all add up to about an 6 hours.














    Special thanks to the models in the pictures!

    OM3GA 1151

    ~~~Click to Download~~~
    Fixed the random SMG that was on the stairs.

    Please cmment if you like and ask questions if you have any. I will answer all the quetions I see. This way I can make maps even better than this.
  2. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    How are you able to make and release such high quality maps so frequently? >.<. This one looks like it's your best this far.
  3. RioT 17

    RioT 17 Ancient
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    Thanks for the comment gorebound.
  4. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    This looks like a real "stealthy" map with all the small crevasses. I like that you have some interlocking as well, such as the second screenshot. Good work.
  5. RioT 17

    RioT 17 Ancient
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    And I forgot to mention every wall, the side rooms and parts of the roof are interlocked.
  6. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Re: Insurgent (Slayer and Team Slayer)

    This looks like a nice MLG map. It's not exactly my 'cup 'o tea', but I can see you've worked hard on this map (and believe you me, it's paid off), and it looks great.

    Keep up the good work!
  7. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Re: Insurgent (Slayer and Team Slayer)

    Honestly, there aren't that many crevices. Only 2. He makes it seem like more. But it is a very good map althought I haven't got to play it, just a walk-through.
  8. pinecone2654

    pinecone2654 Ancient
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    love the lowest floor, but a camper would be right at home underneath those window panels, dam teh campers!
    awesome map, and great job interlocking. one question, did you put those walls in first on the ground or did you do the boxes first? must'v taken forever....
  9. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    This is, as usual when it's a map from RioT 17, a well built map. I haven't had a chance to play an actual game on it yet but aesthetically it's really good, I can't find anything to give negative feedback on, even though I tried hard. Kudos to you my friend :).

    I have a couple of questions though, how come you've only placed two (I only found two atlest) startingpoints for slayer? Doesn't that make the possibility of spawning right next to a opponent pretty high at the start of the game? When you don't have full control of where everybody spawns.

    And I had one more question that was "why haven't you placed any ARs on the map?", but I remembered that most players usually has the startingweapon set as AR. Thus eliminating the need of ARs on the map. >.<
  10. RioT 17

    RioT 17 Ancient
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    Thanks for the comment. : )

    Now the spawns are set for slayer and team slayer which are tricky. All maps are set like this fo starting pionts because I recently learned that you respawn as a team and bungie, as in the settings, wouldn't spawn you next to an enemy because it is unsafe. The respawn areas also tell if areas are unsafe to spawn in.
  11. Grandmas House

    Grandmas House Ancient
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    This is looking real nice and would their be a way to tell us a estimate of how big this would be?
  12. RioT 17

    RioT 17 Ancient
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    This takes up most of the out side area of foundry.
  13. RioT 17

    RioT 17 Ancient
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    Actully I put the walls down then the side rooms and then the roof. That was a good question.
  14. absentrabbit

    absentrabbit Ancient
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    Re: Insurgent (Slayer and Team Slayer Map)

    I really enjoyed playing on this map yesterday, the layout is very nice. And im glad you got that SMG thing cleaned up. :squirrel_wink:
  15. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Re: Insurgent (Slayer and Team Slayer Map)

    I haven't played the map yet, but a took a look at all your screenshots and the decription. It looks as if the map has a good, but a little basic layout and design as well as good weapon balance. The things that I don't like though, are the map aesthetics don't look very good, and there doesn't seem to be anything unique or special about this particular map.

    Regarding the map aesthetics, the map doesn't look that good. It looks like it's the same pretty much everywhere, with basic walls and stairs to the second floor. Nothing really stands out in the pics as "looking good." Also, many things don't look very neat. A wall interlocked into another wall in one pic, has a part of it sticking out, while the rest is interlocked in a few spots. Also, some walls, and windows and things look crooked. This map needs to have more variation and scenery, as well as special landmarks that can help me find my way around and to make the map look nice. Their also needs to be some originality added to the map, that would make me want to download this map instead of other, possibly similar ones.

    Overall, this map looks good, however please take my feedback into account if you ever decided to update it, or in your next map. The main thing I think needs to be fixed is the lack of variation in the scenery.
  16. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
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    Re: Insurgent (Slayer and Team Slayer Map)

    Wow man.. this map looks really well-built. Like I say in almost every post, I love a map that is nice and clean. You've definately got my DL and I will try to get back with a review ASAP.
  17. Running Chron

    Running Chron Ancient
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    Re: Insurgent (Slayer and Team Slayer Map)

    wtf, i remember testing ~ i liked it a lot, very well done, and put together! only i think you could have found some better looking model's, i mean come on Azn and Om3ga ~ wtf!
  18. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I remember playing this in Tuesday night's Furious Review after we broke off into groups. I liked it a lot, it seemed to play like a larger map than it really is. I wish there were more of a second floor, but that may be too much for what's intended. I noticed you put down some respawn areas, but why have two that are literally right next to each other? It doesn't make sense to me, but I would think you must have a reason. The only problem I had during Tuesday's game was that in the 'back room' with the Carbine on a weapon holder, I spawned next to the enemy team spawning at the same time. That happened about two or three times. You might want to put a respawn area that covers just that back room. Other than that I like the layout a lot. Nicely done!
  19. RioT 17

    RioT 17 Ancient
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    I think I can answer thoses quetions. The mutiple respawn areas are to prevent spawning next to enemies. The reason you spawned next to an enemy when you played is because our party size was to large. The areas are set so you respawn if it is safe in there. But if they are all around an enemy then you will respawn next to one anywhere, If you know what I mean.
  20. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Great map looks like a good mixture of the maps

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