
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mini Waz, Sep 18, 2008.

  1. Mini Waz

    Mini Waz Ancient
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    Compound C.E.

    I wanted to make a one sided objective map which has solid gameplay. So i set out with this idea of having an operating door mechanism. After many test plays, this map has very strong one flag gameplay. I would compare the gameplay style to that of one flag on Highground in the way that once the flag is out of the base, it is a lot harder for the defending team to return it. Make sure that you download the 'Infiltrate' game variant. The map can also be played with one bomb and territories (all you have to do is change the round time limit to 3 minutes.). I made the operating gate in a way that when it was opened, there are no teleportors / weapon holders which will get in the way of any grenades or vehicles.

    Weapons on the map:
    1x Spartan Laser
    2x Sniper Rifle
    5x Battle Rifle
    3x Covenant Carbine
    2x Assualt Rifle
    1x Brute Shot
    2x Plasma Rifle
    2x SMG
    1x Plasma Pistol

    Equipment on map:

    1x Deployable Cover
    1x Bubble Shield
    1x Powerdrain
    1x Active Camo

    Grenades come in 2 flavours: Frag and plasma and they are scattered around the map at certain locations.

    The teleporters at the top of the gate doors take you to you death. The teleporters are there to stop you getting stuck against the top of the door opening mechanism. In the gameplay video, you can see that there are propane tanks along the back hallway near the flag return point. These are to help stop the flag carrier more easily.

    Gamevee Compound Gameplay Video.

    Attackers starting area
    Defenders starting area and flage spawn
    Alternate attacker spawn location 1
    Alternate attacker spawn location 2
    Attacker sniper spawn
    Defender sniper spawn
    Garage inside base
    Building with gate switch
    Shooting the gate switch
    Gates opening
    Gates open
    When the gates are opened, the Spartan Laser will hover above the gate. This can be shot off with a brute shot or blown off with a grenade.
    View from defender start spawn
    Defender base overview 1
    Defender base overview 2
    How to get over the fence: There are multiple ways to gain entry into the base, be creative. (Use vehicles, the doors on the corners of the base, the deployable cover, other map geometry, grenade jumps or even people)

    Download Compound here!

    Download the Infiltrate game variant here!
    #1 Mini Waz, Sep 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2009
  2. n1n3CAL

    n1n3CAL Ancient
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    Very nice map. Well put together and seems like it would play an objective such as bomb or flag nicely. The only thing I have to ask doesn't even have to do with the map. It would probably be better to take your pictures in a custom game rather than forge. 4/5

    oh and props on the recon
  3. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    this looks like a fun map, esoecially with the floating laser. 8/10
  4. Bobguy13

    Bobguy13 Ancient
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    Looks fun, nice and neat, no unnecessary objects, I like the gate, this is an overall good map, 4/5.
  5. ShadowSpy9730

    ShadowSpy9730 Ancient
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    looks awesome, nice job interlocking only where you should and not everywhere like what alot of people expect 9/10 (looks only-dint play it yet)
  6. R0FLC0PT0Rz

    R0FLC0PT0Rz Ancient
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    very nyce one sided map, does actually remind me a lot of high ground 4/5
  7. Aesthetic Forger

    Senior Member

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    looks good, personally i think there should be a lil more interlocking and some geomerging
  8. Mini Waz

    Mini Waz Ancient
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    Thanks everyone for the comments. There is quite a bit of interlocking where walls meet boxes, etc. It is not too evident from the screenshots. I understand that not much is interlocked but i chose to focus more on the core gameplay and to try and make it a solid playing map. Thanks for the advice though!
  9. V

    V Ancient
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    This map looks very nice. This looks like it suports vehicular play very well and it also looks like you won't be screwed if you take the battle on foot. This map looks like it supports many players as well which is something you don't see on too many foundry maps. I like how you make use of most of the foundry to create an open, field like map, similar to high ground or snowbound, I know people (including myself) stress the necessity for lots of cover but with the vehicles and just the overall floorspace on this map, I'd say the smaller amount of cover is right way to go. Though I would like to see a weapons list for this map, I'm impressed overall with the map. Judging from pics and the gameplay video (I can't get a playtest on this map yet as my xbox is heading to Microsoft's repair center right now) I'd give this map an 9.2/10 and 5 stars.

    QUINN HAS A GUN Ancient
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    It's a nice map. Interlocking where it should be. Seems very tactical. Not bad. I don't like the one platform made out of double walls because it doesn't have a roof... Then again, alot of place's in Halo don't have roofs, so if it adds to the gameplay (or you just ran out of money)... It's a nice map.
  11. Mini Waz

    Mini Waz Ancient
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    Thanks, i did want to create more of an open map, the list of weapons and equipment on the map is now up.
  12. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Well, this looks ok enough for me to check out, so I'll do so. When I get back to you I'll tell you what I think. Just so you know I'm already thinking a few things I can see from pics/weapons. lol... anyways, I'll get a game on this later today and get back to you.
  13. DarkTiest

    DarkTiest Ancient
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    we played this with the full BTB crew with jonny right?
    I think i saved the replay..hilarious how they could not find the switch of the gate..and how they opened it on defense..
  14. oO SLiK Oo

    oO SLiK Oo Ancient
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    What i like about the mao is that it has simple fun layout,The only thing that got annoying is very you have the to box opens side to side.When you go in the there you get bump,Mybe you can geomerge it so it can look cleaner too.

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