
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by BORG k79, Sep 18, 2008.

  1. BORG k79

    BORG k79 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by BORG k79
    Download Here
    Supported Gametypes:
    FFA - Team Slayer - K.O.T.H. - OddBall - CTF (1Flag, Multi)

    Map Description
    Protocol is a Symmetrical Map, made for intense Close Quarter Battles with still enough Vertical Levels and Catwalks to open up the area to scoped weapons. Grav Lifts placed off the ground create shortcuts from low to high. Use these to your advantage. Cover, inspired by the Cement Blocks of "Tombstone/Hang 'Em High", will give the player who crouches when stalking or evading an enemy a heart pounding encounter every time.
    The theme was meant to be Covanent/Human sides with BRs Human Side and Carbines Covanent Side. Lots of Dual Wielding Weapons scatter the map. A Shotgun rests below the Sword in the Center of the Map.

    Weapons List
    x3 - Battle Rifle
    x3 - Carbine
    x2 - Brute Shot
    x2 - Mauler
    x4 - Spiker
    x3 - SMG
    x3 - Plasma Rifle
    x2 - Plasma Pistol
    x2 - Magnum
    x1 - Needler
    x1 - Sniper
    x1 - Shotgun
    x1 - Sword
    x1 - Bubble Shield


    Map Overview 1/2


    Map Overview 2/2

    Shotgun Room 1/2

    Shotgun Room 2/2

    Lower Exits/Entrances to Shotgun Room

    Human Side

    Grav Lift Tactics 1/2
    Use the Grav Lifts found on both sides of the map to gain ground on any persuers or victims. The teleporter is there only as a guide in timing your jumps.

    Grav Lift Tactics 2/2
    Jump up quickly to the Upper Catwalks.

    Brute Shot Platforms
    You can access these platforms by either the Grav Lift or a quick jump to a fence wall ramp each platform has.

    Over Shield & Needler
    The OS does not "spawn at start" but spawns at 3 minute intervals.

    Lower Hallway
    The Sniper and Magnums can be found here just below the Needler and OS

    Labeled Overview


    I will add more action photos soon.

    Download Here

    LINK FIXED: Thanks "vinco onmia" VV
    #1 BORG k79, Sep 18, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2008
  2. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your link is not working correctly, the problem is you are missing "www" from the beginning.

    Edit: In actuality, your link as a whole is broken. please fix. Thanks

    Edit 2: Nevermind, it is only the bottom link that is broken, i am sorry for the many difficulties i may have caused, i was only trying to help.
    #2 vinco onmia, Sep 18, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2008
  3. youngian

    youngian Guest

    wow nice map i mean there is not allot of interlocking but hey its still a very nice well made map .
  4. ShadowSpy9730

    ShadowSpy9730 Ancient
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    he didnt interlock absolutely everything but he didnt need to. good job man. i dont wanna rate it cuz i havent played it but it looks like a 5/5
  5. R0FLC0PT0Rz

    R0FLC0PT0Rz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    cool map, has nyce asesthics, and gameplay appears to be solid
  6. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks clean IMO. I don't like the teleporters showing green though. Everything else has made me want to consider downloading this.
    Mace likes this.
  7. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Awesome map! you did a great job with the interlocking on here, it looks like you took alot of time with the map! ima definitly download, 3.5/5....for now
    oh, and welcome to Forgehub!
  8. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    very nice map
    interlokcing (were it is) is very good and neat
    the map looks virtualy bumpless (cept at teh top bridges
    might want to flip over those closed bozes, makes the map smoother and more playable
  9. BORG k79

    BORG k79 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You are right but there is still very few if any bumps on this map. I made sure with many many playthroughs and walkthroughs.
  10. A SouthPark Kid

    A SouthPark Kid Ancient
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    Looks pretty good, some things coukd be cleaned up but otherwise its good. I really like the aesthetics, i like the top middle part. I think its always goos in a map to have something in the top, that really contributes to the map. Also Symmetrical very good, well done.

    Map Reveiwer:
    Unique:2/5 (Doesnt Matter)
    Syymetrical: 5/5

    WOO nice score
  11. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Awesome map! you did a nice job with the interlocking on here, it looks like you took alot of time with the map! It also is great that there is no bumps! For once I actually like the boxes right side up, it gives it a cool aesthetic touch. You managed to make it symetrical as well =)

    exellent job
    Mr Pokephile likes this.

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