the hanger Mammal download it here This is my first showing on FH so correct me if im doing it wrong. As shown on the top pic, the hanger is probably one of the biggest parts of the ship. It is in the shape of a square, it has a teleporter leading to the top the back of the hanger is a hall that leads to a sniper point, or lookout on both sides, continue down the hallway and you will be on the front deck. From here you can man the front turrent, or access the two small armorys to the sides. The tall tower is simply home to the flamethrower. Behind the tower is storage, which is useless unless you want a chopper or ghost. On the other side of the map is The base loaded with weaponry and vehicles for storming the ship. You want to play this on team slayer or CTF. No specific mode for it, the spawns and weapons are set for default gametypes. Yes interlocking was used, and i tryed to make it as neat as possible, play it and tell me what i should improve.
looks nice dude, I like the way the center is open like a drop should implement a switch from (its called drop pod) and have a warthog that you can drop using a switch! Anyways, nice job! BTW DONT TRIPLE POST!!!
yeah. dont triple post. that's a no-no. anyway, the ship looks pretty cool. some more interior pics would be nice. but it is kind of a basic typical ship. check out the ships like dreadnaught. it was featured a while back an got some great reviews. nice job on the post, minus the triple post. 3.5/5 for the map. try using some more Forge 101 tricks to make it even better. keep on forging!
k. yeah i once looked through and downloaded all the ships on this forum, i have them all. My theator jammed up when i was taken screens. then hurricane ike came, and oi really wanted to get it out
looks pretty kool... i like it... nice job... nice nice nice... like the drop pod idea u should use it... but i like more pics maybe... looks good 4.5/5 layout is nice... it isnt original but it is nice not sloppy like some... good job want to see more
very nice work for you're first post! i really like the map but more screenshots would help, concluding, nice map; keep forging! 4/5