Sword Battle

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Resix, Sep 18, 2008.

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  1. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    Ok everyone this is a map me and my friend made its for 1v1 only. This is a version of king of the hill to the EXTREME!!!!!!

    First things first both people spawn on a pallet that is at opposite side of two bridges placed skinny side up.

    Now the objective is to stay on because you only have one live and also each person has 300% damage resistance so its not instant kill.

    This is a game that takes skill and you have to know where you are at all times or you will fall

    Winning is only half the fun.
    Ugh i let my bro win.

    yeah i got raped so what i tried.

    The game lasts 3 rounds and you only have 1 live each round so dont die!

    Download link
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    Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

  2. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Wow, such a simple map... and yet... it looks like so much fun! :D I will download and try it out soon (I have school, so it might be delayed). I think you should add some scenery around it for decoration so it doesn't look so plain. And do you only have one life because if the other person destroys the pallet you would repeatedly fall to your death... I'm not sure what you have hidden up your sleeve though so I guess I'll have to try it out!
  3. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    yes this map is very simple (not bad) simple is often better. Its a pretty cool idea, i like the idea of starting off on a pallet. I have a question does the pallet never respawn? It should never because then you could keep jumping back and forth and that would ruin the game
  4. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    you dont get points for being on the pallet so that is why its king of the hill so you only get points while on the bridges.
  5. halodudeguyman

    halodudeguyman Ancient
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    i already dl the map and played with my friend and it was really fun! you should make more maps and great job on this one!
  6. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    how did you download it when it has 0 downloads? hmm i smell something fishy.

    I think its your lady!!!!

    sorry but no if you did download it my bad than thats just bungie being slow
  7. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    On the link to the download it says author: bungie. You made this right? jkjkjk i guess your right bungie is acting up. I downloaded it and ill review later.
  8. Resix

    Resix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol thats because i made it and i had no space on my fileshare so i saved it on my brothers profile and uploaded it to his
  9. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    the game looks pretty fun but i think this map belongs in the mini games section. Also, the game seems to go by very quickly and it tends to be very repetitive because the way most people win is when someone else falls off. I think that making the beam slightly thicker would improve the maps gameplay. come to think of it, I just had an idea, make a V2 with beams leading everywhere kinda like a maze without walls. that would be fun for FFA.
  10. forgy bob

    forgy bob Ancient
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    Very good seems like alot of fun.... its cool how you have to stay on a bar it reminds me of those pirate movies!
  11. HLG Viper

    HLG Viper Ancient
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    ESG Berserker has a point. It you made it bigger, with lots of bridges branching out throughout the map, it would be much more interesting. Maybe two "trees" with one team on each side, and a thin middle passage. like this:

    >\ . . /<
    >/ . . \<

    Get my point? I'll draw a paint image otherwise. It's a great idea though, and it was pretty easy to make i presume? Good work man :)

    PS. How about a map like this, but instead of a bridge, you have a bigger hill (spawns still outside) and you have a ton of floating grav-lifts along with a deployable one at the starting point. Makes it vital to know where you are going the same time as fighting with someone.

    The deployable grav-lift could be tactical, either giving you a doubled height advantage or sending the enemy high into the air and out of the hill boundaries? Just some thoughts. Feel free to steal without crediting me, i just want to know if it would work. Send me a PM if you ever make it.
  12. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
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    This map is very basic but still looks pretty fun. Good original idea. 3.5/5 (rated 4 stars). Maybe add more rounds?
  13. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    Looks a bit simple, like everyone said. But it's something different. The Bridges are a great add-on it'll be harder, and it would take alot more skill to win then on an ordinary platform.
    Great idea.
  14. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    Good job on the map. It seems interesting and I like how you have to balance on the sides of the bridge. It was probably really easy to make but it looks fun and creative. I have seen sword battles before but this one seems the most intriguing.
  15. cheese lord

    cheese lord Ancient
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    it looks simple but its really fun, it would be better if their was more rounds in the gametype, but its fun. 4/5
  16. blanman

    blanman Ancient
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    Alot of people don't even look at simple maps, but it shouldn't be about that- its the gameplay that counts. I'll check it out.
    Honestly though, I've made some really nice looking maps that play like crap.
  17. K3V1N

    K3V1N Ancient
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    wow it looks like alot of fun
    i am going to dl and i will get back to you
    but for now it looks so simple but so fun
    it also looks like it might be hard to stand on the bridge
    yeah like others might of said you should make a v2 and put more scenery around for a more aescetic look

    8.5/10 for now
  18. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    yeah i think egs berserkers idea about that tree like thin would work so thats my next project. anhd as for the gravlift idea that sounds like a really good idea i might have to try that out
  19. i kinda agree with EGS Berserk it does belong in the mini games
  20. Shade9595

    Shade9595 Ancient
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    what gave you the idea is what i am wondering. also is you made like three beams this could be a team game! just an idea but the map looks very cool
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