Something i did a while ago and forgot to post up. ( dont no why but in v2 the sky seems dif and weirder than v1) V2 before after
Do you have a version without the chief and hunter? they look weird on it. Other than that I think it works without changing how the area itself looks.
Well... What are you waiting for!?!?!?!?! Also it looks really good though I think you should have left the big thing in the BG. =) Edit: Also the watermark is quite inconspicuous!
You should do that, make one without the chief and the Hunter. I'd love that as my sig. The effects look very clean and nice.
um, ya... get better renders next time, and also, make the hunter bigger then MC because, hunters are bigger the him lol. Otherwise, its great, an too bad i cant do it lol
yeah, the cheif and hunter look like they were just slapped on there as an afterthought. They dont look like part of the picture. everything else is so well done, it just ruins it. My advice would be to remove those and have the giant thing barely visible behind that beautiful red fog.
thats really cool i like how u wrote in the sky on the other one... nice work looks reall cool how long did this take u?
srry for not replyin and postin new one was really occupied tryin out Roblox it iz awesome also uploadin wit out render dudes in it now