The Village Map:Village Gametype:Insanity This is a challenging puzzle map, it was made by me and my friend SN1PE2K1LL. This is our second puzzle map and our first post. This map goes with the game type listed above, Insanity. Ask any questions you have about the map here, and we will be releasing a walkthrough after someone submits a completed video to me. Any criticisms are welcome. Enjoy! Here are some pictures: Room 1 Lobby Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5 Room 6 Room 7 Last Room
Hey bro. you might want to make you pictures a little more bigger... if you don't know how to just use PhotoBucket and it'll just automatticly make them bigger. This looks like really mean map dude....
I'm not really a fan of puzzle maps, but I remember when I first tried one I loved it. This looks pretty good but try to make the pictures bigger they are too small. A pretty good map for a puzzle map 4/5.
alright if people think that this is a hassle fix it. people will not look at your map wont be looked at if it is a hassle
Wow, it hurts my eyes trying to look at those pictures. Looks alright I may give it a DL. Try to add more description next time.
The pictures are small, too lazy to click on all of them. But from what I see it looks like a pretty decent puzzle map. You got my download.
Yo just embed the picture! It really isn't that hard. All you have to do is copy and paste the image codes. It's not that hard. Use Photo bucket because it actually gives you a code. Oh, and a pretty good puzzle map, I really can't give too much of an opinion until I've payed it.
Hey look!!! OMG Bigger Pictures, now everyone should be happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats for getting tbishop9870 do something for u
we are actually working on our next one right now and it should be up within the next week, (with bigger pics)
Also we would really appreciate all people that download to rate and leave comments so we know how to improve future maps, Thanks
looks like a pretty cool map I might have to dl it all I can say is it looks pretty confusing and tough! good job.