People Eating Tasty Animals

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Indie Anthias, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    Well eating animals doesn't really bother me. .
    I used to never eat meat because i never liked it .. But i eat it now alot ..
    All i used to have until like 4 months ago was ham .. in sandwiches ..
    I know quite alot of vegetarians who always tell me they are which bugs me ..
    But i don't care its there choice i guess ..
  2. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Humans need to be Omnivores to develop correctly. Meat contains proteins which only meat can provide, normally vegetarians are weak and have to eat a lot of veggies to stay healthy.

    I'm omnivore
  3. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Not true!! I ran the half marathon in 1 hr. 53, on an all plant diet (and I'm a fat ass). I have no lack of energy or strength. All nutrients normally gained through meat can be gotten elsewhere.
  4. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    If you think this is all.
    Look at how people get the fur to make coats, hats, etc, that people wear every day.
    Its inhumain how they do this, i will still eat meat. I've seen these videos many times tho.
  5. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    Well, if we did stop eating meat, what would happen to the animals that we have domesticated for our edibility? What would you want to do with a giant population of lazy animals that do not know how to survive in the wild? I am only referencing food animals and not fur. I think fur clothing is just weird. Oh and the economy would be disrupted. I think thats it for now.
    #105 TheYavimayan, Aug 4, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2008
  6. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    I love eating meat :D No offence to vegatarians (sorry if i spelt it wrong). If animals in the wild are allowed to hunt for meat and eat it, then so should humans.

    I would contribute a more lenghty arguement if I could but to me, it's just a simple answer.
  7. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Well, for starters Humans do no hunt for food anymore, we (as humans) treat animals with disrepct, did you see the Video. I got in tears when I saw those men put the dog in the garbage truck. That's sick and disgusting...
  8. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    I've been vegetarian for about two weeks now, and I have seen myself have a dramatic lack of energy to do things as of late; I don't want to go to the gym any more, I'm dizzy fairly often, etc. It's most likely due to my lack of eating... well, very much of anything in place of the meat I used to eat in my diet, but I'm less active nonetheless.

    On the contrary, I do feel much more healthy than I was before I stopped eating meat. I'm eating more vegetables than previously (which is a given), I'm losing a bit of weight (not so good, skinny as it is), and overall feel fine the way I've been. I'm going to have to fit a bit more fruit into my diet, yes, but I'm feeling great as am.

    So, in response:
    1. No, humans don't have to be omnivores to develop correctly, as long as they eat the correct things.
    2. Many other sources give proteins other than meat! Certainly meat isn't the only provider of said "special" proteins, site you sources to prove me otherwise.
    3. Not all vegetarians are weak, that is stereotypical; look at me, eh? ;)
    4. You must eat a lot of the correct meats to stay healthy also, yes? Vegetables are just another way of getting the same nutrition, it's no better nor worse than eating meats.
  9. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Awesome, Domi Boy! I hope it works out for you. When you get used to it, you won't even think about it anymore. In the meantime, just let me know if you need any pointers.
  10. Soup & More

    Soup & More Ancient
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  11. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    I love steak. That being said, I was practically a vegetarian for five years when I was living with my father. I don't mind being vegetarian, but I couldn't live without cheese! I'm a cheese connoisseur.

    Those videos are disgusting and depressing! Look up the one about Foster Farms animal abuse. I NEVER buy their products now knowing what goes on in their factories. Also, I don't eat super processed meat or fast food (except for Taco Bell, Jack in the Box, and In-n-Out) anymore because of the extensive processing that goes into their foodstuffs. So much to the point that it barely is meat at all! Taco Bell and Jack in the Box are the only nationwide fast food chains that do not process their products to hell and back.

    One can get all the vitamins and proteins from other sources other than meet. Flax seed oil works well for making up the lost things from beef, and now one can obtain omega3 supplements from just about anywhere.
  12. I No Quarter I

    I No Quarter I Ancient
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    to be honest, theres not really a morally viable reason for eating meat. but i just love the taste too much. ive always wondered why some animals are seen as the done thing to eat, but others it would be frowned upon. why cant i have an elephant kebab or a dolphin sandwich... :(

    i think people should be able to choose what they want to eat.

    on a side note, why do some people eat fish and claim to be vegetarians? is it like saying youre against all forms of violence, but now and again you punch little children in the face?
  13. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    that's the thing about ethx, though, it's very debatable.

    what's wrong with someone deciding they want to eat no other meat than fish? there's plenty of options of where to draw the line, it's up to each individual to decide for themselves. some people don't eat red meat. some people eat no meat but still eat dairy. it's one thing to just lie about it, but it's not hypocritical in any way.
    #113 Indie Anthias, Sep 18, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2008
  14. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    There is nothing wrong with someone saying tehy won't eat meat but they will eat fish. It's calling themselves vegatarians is whats wrong. They have their own 'brand'. IIRC, it's pescatarian.

    On to the debate. First things first, I was with you at the start. I liked how you said about the benefits of eating only vegetables was there. You had me considering to become a vegetarian.

    Then the video... That ****ing video that is everywhere in many different shapes and sounds. If you're going to try and convert someone to becoming a vegatarian, could you not use those videos. You don't even need them. All those videos do s try and guilt those that watch it, and it works very well, but it doesn't truely convert people to whatever belief you have. They just convert so they never have to see something like that ever again.

    Not really here to debate the veg/Carnivore thing so... I'm shutting up now.
  15. God Of Forge

    God Of Forge Ancient
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    Sure, we don't needto eat meat, but it tastes great and is a great source of protein! The way I've thought about it is: Wouldn't the animal you're eating eat you if you were less powerful?

    I guess that doesn't really apply to cows, but they taste good. : )

    Anyway, if we all ate vegies and fruit, we would deplete our resorces too fast. Then animals would starve and die anyway.
  16. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    What kind of animals to you eat? I don't think I would ever be attacked and killed by a ravenous deer, goat, chicken, pig, or elk, sir. With the possible exception of the pig, all of those animals that we eat on a regular basis are leaf-eaters themselves. That argument holds no water.

    76 percent of the corn used in the US is used for animal feed. It's safe to say that most of the animals that are given this feed live short lives and end up on a plate somewhere. Eliminating animals for food would free up a lot of land that would normally be used for corn production, and could be re-cultivated to grow different types of crops for all of us suddenly new vegetarians. This hypothetical scenario would make your second argument (also hypothetical and not necessarily debatable) invalid as well.
  17. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    hahah nice 1

    i do the thing when ur freinds are easting something and u just say do u know what that could be of the "chickin" or "cow" (***** and testicals)

    and somtimes throws it down on the floor right there
  18. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    ditto, squid. and let me add this

    OK true enough but let's not get hung up on semantics.

    I've said it before, but I'm not trying to "convert" anyone. I'm trying to spread some information that the industry would keep secret. The videos are there as an information source only. You can say they're bias and persuasive. No denying that they are persuasive in nature. But it's my opinion that they are not bias, after doing some research and getting some input from some people who I respect. So the videos stay.
    #118 Indie Anthias, Sep 19, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2008
  19. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Meat tastes good and is good for you. Without protein found in meat early humans brains would have not of developed into modern human brains. So sure you might not like how the meat is obtained or how it is treated but I think it tastes good and if that means animal torture and abuse to tenderize my meat then I hope they continue lol.

    Veil tastes amazing and its cripple baby cow lol , venison tastes good after I have hunted ,shot,and gutted it and grilled it. Its natural for people to eat meat that's why we have canine/sharp frontal teeth to rip through flesh and hard food. Without animals and meat to eat we would have not of been such a successful species as we are now and most likely we would be prey and food for other predators. lol

    What ever industry is doing to the meat is obviously working it tastes fine. If the work area is dirty and the meat is tainted sure that should not be allowed to be sold to consumers. I honestly don't care how my meat is processed as long as it ends up on my plate and doesn't kill me im happy . If abuse makes my food taste good the by all means make my food taste good.

    If it tastes good eat it as Andrew Zimmerman says it doesn't matter if its testicles ,eyes, brains,intestines or what ever as long as it tastes good you shouldn't care. I love hot dogs and mystery meat products because you never know what you get but all I need to know is does it taste good and the answer is yes.

    Being vegan is just a poor choice IMO [unless its for medical reasons] its limiting your pallet of food choices greatly and there are many good foods that are meat based products. Humans have evolved to eat meat and we are on top of the food chain why settle for less. I love all foods meat , vegetables, grain,dairy,ect besides sea food that crap sucks lol

    PS those videos made me hungry lol how are you guys disturbed when its the same thing animals do in the wild but its just us getting our food.[we are animals too]
    #119 Eyeless Sid, Oct 26, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2009
  20. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Welcome to the discussion but did you read the comments made so far? Because it seems to me that if you're going to bump a thread that's been dead for over a year, maybe you could make sure you have something unique to contribute to the discussion, rather than just flaunt the fact that you have zero empathy for species other than your own.

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