Debate Should they be put down?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by EGP, Sep 17, 2008.

  1. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Tonight I watched "bones" its a show I watch every wednesday. And the episode was about someone being murdered by a dog. The dog is perfectly trained, and is very obedient. The master ordered the dog to attack someone and kill him.

    Do you think the dog should be put down?

    I think that the dog shouln't. I really like dogs and I hate when people use dogs this way. It wasn't the dogs fault. He/she was forced to do it, and didnt know what troulbe he/she was causing.

    What do you think?

    Ok I made a list on two sides of agreement. First is the list about agreeing that they should be put down, and the second is they should not.

    Should they be put down?

    Should Be
    -Dogs have no souls, so put them down
    -If they kill, they should be killed ( eye for an eye )

    Should Not
    -The dog does not understand what he/she is doing wrong
    -The dog was forced to do something it obviously doesnt want to do

    I can add more, just tell me more to post up.
    #1 EGP, Sep 17, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2008
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    My neighbors' German Shepherd was taken away from them because they neglected and it ran all over the neighborhood. There were so many complaints, that animal control had to take it. So if they don't come up with $300 by friday, they put it down. And it leaves you to think, who the hell are we that we can do that? The dog is about 3 years old, and really energetic, and imagining it being put to sleep this early in its life is disgusting. People suck. I don't think ANYONE should have the authority to determine a living creatures' fate. Its just terrible. No. If anything, the owners should be jailed for neglect. People suck...
  3. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    The problem with this is, however much I love dogs (I have one), they simply have nowhere to go. Many shelters in the country are overcrowded and putting the animal there would give it no better of a life. It would go from running free in the neighborhood to living in a cage.
    I think, even though this will probably never happen, that people should be encouraged to raise more pets. This could be done in a couple simple ways- remove the restrictions on having pets in most public areas, find a way to reduce the upkeep costs, and find a way to show people fun of having a pet.
  4. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I find it a bit silly that you're basing this off of a fictional Televison show.

    But it is how things work. Do I like it? **** no.

    In this situation of the dog being ordered to kill, I could see either side being supported but by the rules the only suitable thing to do, unfortuneately, is to put it to sleep. If a dog attacks a human, that's just cause to have it put down. That said, if it knows a command to kill what stops others from taking the dog and using it. Yes, in this situation putting the dog down is a suitable action.

    I watch the show RSPCA Animal Rescue semi regularly and they'd put more dogs down than you can imagine. They save a dog from neglect, take it with them and put it through their behavioral test(which is quite hard) and if they make one mistake they have to do it. I think they need to be a lot more lenient with the killing of the dogs they save.

    Some people have no value for their pets and do not treat it right. So many dogs are euthanised a day. That is a job I wish upon absolutely no one. Having to put so many dogs to sleep would destroy me.

    I say the fines and punishment for animal cruelty be uped. Although it is much easier said than done.

    In this situation of what the OP was based off; if it were my decision and I worked for the RSPCA I'd have no choice to put it down. It's like having a big red button labelled "Destroy the world". YOu can tell them all you like to never press it but it will be pressed. Silimar situation; a dog can kill someone if you say so. Remove the button; remove the dog, as cruel as that may sound.

    I'd also like to add that I am 100% against animal cruelty. I have a lot of sympathy for animals.
  5. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    I understand where you are coming from saying that the dog shouldn't be put down, I really do. It upsets me to a point, but really you just have to view it as a weapon being destroyed. I know it seems heartless (I'll even admit that it is), but that's really what people are doing when they get a dog put down for that reason.

    If a dog is trained to act in a certain way, its hard - nearly impossible - to un-train it. If a dog is trained to maul, or kill someone, it is hard to untrain that, and the dog will always be dangerous. Putting it down removes the chance of it ever harming a person again.
    Linubidix likes this.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Think of it this way, if you hire a hitman, and he gets caught. Should he be punished?
    Yes he should, what makes this any different?

    Also, this is a dog, it's behavior is not completely based on what the owner tells him. If the owner is put in jail, who's going to be able to safely take care of a killer dog? There's too much of a risk for everyone's safety.
    Iv0rY Snak3 likes this.
  7. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    yu are right about a hitman, but a dog, think about, if he disobeys he risks beating, and starvation, or maybe worse, and a hitman, hes doing his own freewill.

    it pains we seeing dogs killed, but in are retarded world of retarded people theres just no room for alll those dogs, and like already said, some dogs would be dangerous to adopt.

    its sad, but its either that or a world with dogs starving in the streets and dying
  8. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Dogs are very loyal, the only reason they should be put down is if they are suffering, and will die anyways. I believe the man should be arrested for killing someone. The dog didn't do it, the dog was only a tool to the man.
  9. I No Quarter I

    I No Quarter I Ancient
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    if the dog is deemed to pose any kind of threat to humans, without a doubt it should be killed. to think a dog's life is of the same worth as a humans is silly.

    but about the hitman scenario, say the hitman does have an incentive, the man who hires him, has taken his family hostage and tell him that he must kill someone for them to be that really the same case? i dont know..
  10. Cookieking23

    Cookieking23 Ancient
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    Well, I can see how you could relate this to a hitman listening to say a mafia leader, and in that case yes, I believe he should be put down. But this is not a human we are talking about, it is an animal. It has been trained to do exactly as it is told, but that is not its fault, it is simply being obedient.

    As a human, we have a conscious telling us what is right and wrong, and a dog's right and wrongs are based upon how they are raised and trained. The same could be said for a human, however I feel that we have this natural urging to do what is actually morally right, and a dog could just not have that. I think the man should be arrested (that should occur regardless) and the dog should live, at the very least work as a police dog and have a supposed good life. So long as the dog doesn't kill on its own, without orders, I would see no reason to kill it.
  11. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    ok, so you dont care if a tree's cut because somone bumped into it and hurt his knee? you dont care if people commit genocide on cats for one scratching a kid? to people when they own a dog and actually take care of it, then it is family to them, clearly you dont own a dog or one has scratched you or pooped in your yard, but when people love an animal, it is really important to them, and its silly to say that there is somthing that is so inferior to humans to be carlessly killed.
  12. M715ForLife

    M715ForLife Ancient
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    The dog killed somone. Kill it. Kill the human too.
  13. Cookieking23

    Cookieking23 Ancient
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    Alright, could you give reasons as to why this should be done? Or are you simply going to leave a comment and give no reason as to why you think that should happen? I would like to see why you think that way.
  14. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    You should never compare dogs to weopons, just never dogs are living beings and weapons are pieces of metal **** used to kill people basically.
    Dogs are fun loving animals that some people use in a bad way to kill people, its just sick. They do not understand life! Meaning they dont know there not supposed to kill, its part of the food chain that they understand.

    Ok, that was just rediculous, the dog did not know!! I have a question, if you are 1 years old and you stab one of your family members basically you are saying kill the baby. Did you know that there is a word called accident? You should look it up

    But a dog is a living being smart one! The only difference is that they dont have souls. Just because humans are at the top of the food chain doesnt meen we are more important than them
  15. God Of Forge

    God Of Forge Ancient
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    Putting down a dog is nothing bad, as dogs to not have a soul, and they would not be hurt. It isn't as much a punishment as it is a way to protect other people.
  16. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I really don't know. Maybe they should just take it in for retraining or something. I'm not God man. I can't decide who dies or whatever.
  17. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    well, when a child steals it isnt his sin in the catholic relgion if his parents tell him too, but dogs and ppl are very different... a dog has basic learning... if u dont go to school and fake sick once its 2x as easy the next time... I guess what im saying is the man has corrupted the dog into a savage animal... i no it isnt moral and stuff to kill an animal but i think it is needed in this situation... we are given dominion over animals... and it would be horrible if the dog lashed out and killed another man... but i would rather see the dog taken to a trainer where he can learn better, i guess i think there are better things that u can do w/ the dog then kill it, teach it again start over like abortion (not to open a can of worms) but why kill the baby (embreo how ever u want to word it) if u can give it to a couple that needs a baby... give the dog what it needs to be moral again n give him to a new family...

    SO NO DONT KILL THE DOG final answer lol
  18. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Very nice posts so far, I like how I got both sides of the topic. Keep them coming, I also have two dogs, I am afraid because one of them is very protective of my dad, Im afraid that he could get in trouble. But he is a very, very well trained dog.
  19. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    Since when does an animal's soul judge if it deserves to live or die? It is wrong to put down another living creature because it listened to what it's master told it. You have to remember that dogs have instincts to follow their master- it had little control over what it did.
    This question really comes down to your personal morals than anything else. Some may believe that the animal attacked the man on purpose, others may not. I'm not trying to say my point is right, because in this case we can't really prove one side or the other.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    News flash: Souls don't exist, I think you mean emotions.
    Anyways there is no other options, it's a dangerous animal and shouldn't be let out, it would cause more harm than good. You can't simply 'retrain' a dog, it listens to its owner and only its owner.

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