With foundry, i will create three great games you probly play in gym(or phys ed or wtv) Soccer, Vollyball, and dodgeball. I will post it up later and the gametype, with pics. I will create 3 maps with 1 gametype, so you will not have to down load that much. Stay tuned for this. ;D Anouncment: My soccer map is done pm me if you would like to test it, pics coming tommrow mabey tonite.
Re: Gym Map Pack- by The Alien123 I'm just going to see when the real post comes out, with real maps. And good luck making 'vollyball'.
Re: Gym Map Pack- by The Alien123 Man i suck at forge, i hate my self whaa goodbye im leaving this whaaaaaaaa im crying lololol im a baby ololol byyy. omg i can lock this whaaa im sad hey mods can u lock this im not doing this anymore.
Re: Gym Map Pack- by The Alien123 An intresting way to way to make dodgeball could be to put Mancannons on each side and push fusion coils through at the other team.
Re: Gym Map Pack- by The Alien123 Hmm... good idea This weekend I will (if I have time) be making a sports pack. It will include: soccer, basketball, dodge ball, rocket ball and any other sport I can think of that would work.
Re: Gym Map Pack- by The Alien123 Lol, you should put seats and stuff around the court, but block them off with fence walls so they'd just be for viewing purposes. That would add to a map's scenery.
Re: Gym Map Pack- by The Alien123 Im really liking that dodgeball idea. I think that when I get my cord out I will try it. -Donuts
Wow, im VERY surprised that this has not been locked yet! Theres no Link, no photo, and yet no Moderator has locked it yet. Is it that this is a very old thread or that a Moderator couldnt be bothered to?