I had no idea there was even a place to break Ire! I can't believe I forgot to save/quit the mancannons. You, sir, are not human.
Wow this is just incredible. I try to make my maps unbreakable and I thought these were impossible but you did the impossible and escaped them. Just one question.... WHEN ARE YOU GETTING RECON lolz? I mean you have found out all kinds of glitches and broken out of the best of the best maps. You deserve it! Goodness that video is amazing!
Why thank you, your too kind.........................you were talking about me right??? OF COURSE NOT!!! LoLoLoLoLoL jk -(can i haz sum creditz???)
lol budda man, I knew Ramparts was breakable but, not that way. Haha , anyways, did you do it on V2 or V1? Anyhow, Nice work I really like this, I'm going to have you in on my new map, just to see you break it.
There actually is a way to escape Temple of Atlas. The creator apparently saw it happen himself. How? I have no idea.
Well I'm bound to miss something, sometimes, maybe.... Anyhoo that's why I've given you guys the complete list so you can see if you can succeed where we have failed. I highly doubt anyone can escape Sapphire though, it is completely enclosed with no vehicles for clipping out. As I said earlier, some map designs are easier to escape-proof than others, if you're making a small and completely enclosed map with no vehicles on then chances are no one will ever get out of it (provided you don't use window panels! Odeum, lolz)