Here it is. ( u cot me i was lying lmao) Big Small Pic After I rendered it and got rid of background on top. SOTW 15 Entry
I don't like it... It's too pink and cuddly for FH... Sorry. Also it's kinda cluttered and seems just thrown there. =)
lol i made i to fix a picture i had of my baby sister it had a lot of noise in it and was really grainy and i toned it down by far and made sig of it...thrown around maybe but nottin is to cuddly for forge hub not even ninja duck babys wit machineguns and mini uzis.
I beg to differ but w/e... Decent sig anyway so good job! =) Now I gotta do my homework... It's 9:47pm and I haven't started 0_0
lol we have had every single day off until today wich was a 2 hour delay anyway and we also have everyday off till monday from today.
lol lock read a little further... but i was thinking of making her into a baby but a why so serious smile and then im like nah to cryptodemonic