Bridge Crash - The most realistic looking crash ever! Basic Infomation Bridge Crash is my latest forge map. There is a bridge that has collapsed near the center and in result a truck has fallen out. I have added some barrels and other things for extra realism and tryed to give a good debris effect. Screenshots Crash: Overview: Download Link _________________________________________________ this is my first ever map post on Forgehub so please tell me if I have done something wrong Thanks, - Toonshorty
From your screenshot, I don't get a really good feel for what this looks like. Try 3-4 more screens and you will get much more feedback.
Yeah try more screenshots, because all I can see is a basically a truck and some boxes and barrels, like Kapura said more pics=more feedback
Much better, only thing I would say would be to make it a little bit more detailed, like adding signs on the bridge or making it a bit wider, other than that it looks great .
Oh, well im from UK so I wouldn't know... Also I was wondering if it would be possible so the lorry was like blown up if you know what I mean, so its black insted of the normal state
lmfao, seriously? and u guys expect me to be nice replying to this? everyone else above me is just being a liar and being fake.... screw that.
Actually Tit I wasn't lying, I thought it was quite good but it needed an bit more detail and that the bridge should be a bit wider
Actually, there is a method called "interlocking" which allows you to have objects in side another objects. Check it out HERE. I like the idea...but I also agree with others. Add some details, like knocked over road signs (the signs on Forge) and put in some cones around it to make it look like the police have blocked it off or something. Cool idea! Everyone else: either post helpful ideas or comments...or just stop posting. Spam is not meant to be here. Thanks!