I'm uncreative with names, I really am. I took "bases" and added an extra 's'. That's how this map got its name. But I'm sure you don't care about that, you came for the map, right? The game types I set it up for are Team Slayer, CTF, KotH, and Oddball. (I think I also set it up for Assault, too, but I have to double check.) Top right view Top left view Inside defensive base -Link to the map- Keep in mind I've yet to playtest it (Hence why it is only version 1.0), so things might be a little unbalanced, but I tried to make it as balanced as I could. If you encounter an issue or think a weapon needs to be added/removed, please tell me so I can make my map better. This is my first 'real' custom map on Foundry, so be gentle. :<
thats actually pretty good... use guidelines to get things straight... more interlocking... little more into the layout n this would be nice... keep it up i actually like this put more cover in the map and more description... but this looks pretty good... straighten it out tho... 4/5
This looks very good, but don't put TOO many power weapons in the middle. I like everything else though. 4.5/5 because everthing, but not too original.^
I don't know what it is about this map but it just looks good for some reason. The simplicity seems too make this map.... its just so simple and open for once and the bases are perfect not some over done thing that feels cramped I'm DL.
Looks interesting, make sure that you fix up the walls so that they're completely straight. You could grenade jump up to the ledge, then do it again so you could get out of the map. That's something to fix for version 2. Next, take away the shield doors. they make me puke, because it asks for camping. I know your map is called Camp Basess, but I hate camping =( Lastly, try and make some really cool floating aesthetics. This helps improve gameplay a lot, even though that doesn't seem to make sense. It does, so try it. I like the idea of a cool COD4 style war zone with bunkers and barrels and the like, but try and sharpen it up a bit. Here's your finished rating: Map Design: 40/100- Could be a lot better Aesthetics- 60/100- Not bad, add some more INTRLOX Gameplay- 70/100- Remove the Shield Doors Overall- 56/100- It's average. You'll get to the top. It seems you have a love for forging, and if you want to do it, you can do it. Believe me.
Looks a bit simple but if you add a couple things around the middle and something in the bases to make it just a little more complicated, it should add a little more variation in the way the map is played. All in all a good idea for a map 4/5.
Man...I had this whole huge post typed up and then I clicked off the page... In short, the bridges are crooked because I was lazy and tired after spending 9 straight hours of work, and the ledge was intentional, but I never considered the grenade jumping. Everything else is straight except the pallets and cement barriers, etc, which was intentional. The sword doesn't spawn immediately, and the rocket on the single box only has two shots and a long respawn time, all the other weapons shouldn't be a problem, I don't think. And if they are I'll fix them. And thanks for the comments.
Well, idk. It's really simple. I don't see any actual structures, but there is a lot of cover if you know what I mean. It's more like... a paintball arena than a whole new map because it consists of single objects put down on foundry's floor. It's still better than A LOT of new people that I see to the site, but 4/5 is a VERY high score to give it. To get a 4/5 you have to have 4 out of the 5 elements of a map. Now I am not an ass kisser trying to make everyone happy, and I've probably seen more maps on this site than anyone here so far that have posted so if anyone, I would know what a good map is. Bear with me. The five elements. 1. Amazing looks 2. Thinking outside of the box. 3. Great weapon placement. 4. Great spawn placement 5. It's fun to play. I don't think you hit 3 or 4 because spawn killing would be easy if you overrun a base, and there are way too many power weapons. 1, I would have to say it does have good looks but not amazing, so that'd be what, half or 3/4 of a point? 2, also out of the box somewhat but not amazingly out of the box so again, half or 3/4 a point. 5, I could not tell until I played it. The most points this map should be getting is about a 2.5 out of 5, or average and that's IF the person actually downloaded and played.
a little too open for my tastes, its not very interesting, the other thing is that you could escape out of the map on the one wall, since the bridges are a little far back
While I'm welcome to and appreciate criticism, I have to defend myself on a few of the points here. There are spawn points outside the bases if people do start spawn camping, six on each respective side, I believe. And inside the spawn rooms (Which are the enclosed rooms off to the sides) are a good 15-20 points each, so even with spawn camping it would be hard to get more than one or two kills before the person got you back. Spawn camping would be too hard to do if you had more than four people playing, anyway. About the power weapons, like I said, the rocket only has two shots with a long respawn, and the sword doesn't spawn at start. The shotgun doesn't have any extra clips. As far as aesthetics go, I was going for simple when I designed the map, so that's how I made it. But like I said, this is version 1, it's not impossible that I'll spruce it up later. It's just that usually when I forge, I do it all in one sitting. So I try to get the major stuff in and then the minor stuff at the end, which is when I'm tired of doing stuff and ready to finish, so I don't think too much about it. Thank you for the honest review, though.
This map looks like an arena. It probably would best go with an arena type gametype. Otherwise this map is horrible for regular gametypes. There's barely any place for cover, and you could easily camp at the bases. Keep working on it. 2/5
I dunno really, it's really simple, and there's no structures really, but as long as its fun to play, it's fine by me, 4/5