This one is kinda deep. Its all about struggle, a very un colorful thing, mixed with peace, a very colorful thing. [war on the left. Peace on the right] If its not colorful enough, tell me. Also, best if you zoom in, so you can see it better [came out a wee bit smaller than i thought. ] [edit]: never mind, i FAIL
Well I drew this sig and then pretty much copy pasted in parts of my current sig and the name. The scanner really screwed up the colours ;[
I have never entered in SOTW before but I thought that I might have a go. Its a change to have colour opposed to the dark one I have had for a while. By the way I only got Photoshop a few days ago so I don't mind if you think its not that good XD! Here it is: EDIT: Posted wrong sig - the correct one is up now
MY ENTRY HAS CHANGED TO THIS SIGNATURE!!! Its my best sig yet, IMO, and its my first sig with a stock image!