Okay, so for the people that had a problem with my last castle, I fixed it up so that the attackers have unlimited deployable cover, a 10-sec. respawning overshield, and a brute launcher. However, due to the attacker's new heavy defenses, I gave the defenders a brute launcher and a spartan laser (I still took out the grav hammer and energy sword, so don't worry about those). Also, I've modified the mancannon thingy so that there are only two mancannons, and there is a sign B wedged in between the box and the first mancannon so that you'll no longer get stuck. As for any other changes, I has to remove the gause warthog so that I would have some budget to build the attackers a base, so they'll have to use spike grenades and a grav lift to infiltrate the castle. The attackers also have a sniper on one of the spawn points, so they'll be able to deal with the spartan laser and the brute launcher. I left out mentioning a few of the changes, but I'm sure you'll figure those out quickly. I hope you like my new changes! Oh yeah, and here's the download link. Also, here is a link to my template castle for people who want to have their own castle. Happy forging! [img width=800 height=600]http://xs224.xs.to/xs224/08071/castle_1691.jpg[/img] Here is the castle [img width=800 height=600]http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii9/pinecone2654/22061305-Full.jpg[/img] Here is me acting like an attacker and infiltrating the base. If all goes as planned, the grav lift should spawn 60 seconds after the game starts, so the attackers will need to use some teamwork to hold off the defenders while they break down the door. If you are having too much trouble, the barriers will dissapear after a while. [img width=800 height=600]http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii9/pinecone2654/22061392-Full.jpg[/img] That wasn't so hard... [img width=800 height=600]http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii9/pinecone2654/22061262-Full.jpg[/img] Here is the attacker's new base, they also have a flag spawn point, but neutral ctf would probably be unfair on a map like this. Oh, and that wall in the corner isn't on the real updated map. [img width=800 height=600]http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii9/pinecone2654/22061463-Full.jpg[/img] This is an overview of the interior of a corner of the castle [img width=800 height=600]http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii9/pinecone2654/22061511-Full.jpg[/img] Here is another overview of the interior of the castle... [img width=800 height=600]http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii9/pinecone2654/22061771-Full.jpg[/img] And yet another overview [img width=800 height=600]http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii9/pinecone2654/22061968-Full.jpg[/img] This view shows you the underside of the structure in the corner. I put some barriers in there to keep thigs interesting. [img width=800 height=600]http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii9/pinecone2654/22061993-Full.jpg[/img] Here is what the corner looks like [img width=800 height=600]http://xs224.xs.to/xs224/08071/castle_7169.jpg[/img] Here is a pic of me pwning my friend, by the way, that teleporter goes to a mancannon loop thingy that gets anybody to the top of the castle. a good way to get to the flag if you're an attacker. Well I hope you like my updates to my castle, and I hope I get more posts before this thread sinks down to page 28... That'd be 12-15 hours of work that I could only share with my friends... ..... I hope you enjoy my map!
Kudos on making, what looks like, the best castle up to date. I'm gonna download it as soon as my Live stops acting up and I'll get back to you with an updated opinion.
Is there anything (cover, etc) outside the castle? or are the attackers completely at the mercy of a malicious sniper?
Don't wory, there's no sniper on this map because it's too tightly packed, and the only thing that can bother the attackers is an annoying turret placed on top of the castle. However, mr. turret can only aim so far down, and won't be too much of a problem for the attackers, and if he is being annoying, one shot with the gause turret from the warthog will take him out. I've tried shooting the turret on top of the castle from a good distance back, and it knocks whoever is standing there off of their feet. The only real problem is that there is an energy sword and a grav. hammer on the top of the castle, and a shotgun on the way up. However, only one man will spawn up there, and it would take a good amount of team effort to take out all of the attackers without at least a couple defenders acting as weapon delivery boys. Also, if the attackers do get annialated, they'll just spawn across from the castle, and they can gang up on the defenders and force their way into the castle. Okay, so I thought of a way to increase my budget. One of my corner levels is comprised of single wall pieces, and if I delete two of those and put one double wall in (I think I still have one), my budget will increase to $4. Then, I can delete two grenades or something, and I will place a late-spawning mancannon/shortcut to get to the top of the castle. I'll also make sure that the grav hammer and the sword only spawn in CTF. another thing, some of the goals are fused with my map, so I'm not sure if my CTF will work, but in my future maps, I'll use the deleted goals map variant as a canvas. If you want to download this now, you can, or you can wait till tonight and I'll have my map updated. thx for helping me make my map more likable! ps. shotty stays! me lurvz teh shotty!¡! -If anyone is interested in the deleted goals canvas for Foundry, here's a shortcut: http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?topic=1010.0 thx alot gorebound! if you want to make your own variant of my castle template I'll have it up tonight. The one door thing? well I don't know if I have CTF set up 100% correct, and mostly I've just played this variant on slayer (everybody spawns and respawns in the castle for slayer) and if the attackers need to lose 30 seconds of their time fighting off the defenders, thats just what they'll have to do. If my map had any more money left on it, I could have late-spawning mancannons that could act as a shortcut into the castle, but then there'd be no point in taking out the front door with the warthog. BTW, the door won't come back after it's destroyed, so the castle is easily accessible once the inithial chaos ends. Maybe I could delete the grav hammer and the sword, and put a mancannon in, but I'd like to have those in slayer. If I set those to only spawn in symetric maps, will my budget go up for my asymetric maps? then I could have the warthog removed for slayer and I could put way more weapons in there... sorry for triple-posting and rambling. I'll get back to you all later. kthxbai. Do not triple post! You have been warned!- Trickmyster
Please don't double post. Or... triple post. It's really frowned upon here at FH. Instead, you should use the modify button to add to your last post. I also wonder: is there only the one door to the castle? That would be bad if there was... especially if there's a hammer, sword, shotgun, and any grenades nearby.
I like the idea, but I think it would be better if the attackers had a hammer to bash in the door. It's the closest thing we have to a battering ram. Also, it would be cool if the defenders only really had grenades and ARs to work with. I'm think about how in the medieval times they used to actually use rocks to defend their castles. Also, I'm not sure I like the fact that the wall just disappears after a while. What's the point in giving the defenders all those kills? The attackers can just hide and wait for the barriers to go away.
I've tried the grav hammer, and it's just as effective as the brute launcher for taking down the door. The best method is to use the gause warthog to ram through the door. My friend wants me to put lots of firebomb grenades at the top to simulate the mideval ages act of puring hot oil on intruders, and I think that's a good idea, but I am out of budget on my map, and I don't want to change it unless it needs to be changes. If you come up with any good ideas, you should download my blank variant, or delete what you don't need in this map. Also, I have spawn points and start points outside the map that only spawn in asymetrical maps. Will this work for infection or do I have to change/add something? oh, and if you don't want to scroll up, here is the download link for my blank castle canvas. oh, and don't forget to edit your previous post when you have something short to say, I've been nailed plenty of times for doing that
Holy cow a triple post! I never actually thought the mods would be so lax to let a double post go on to a triple, and then not even get a warning! Dude I like your map but in the future try not to double post, especially more, cause if you get caught more than once your thread is in danger of being locked, especially by furious.... he sees EVERYTHING! Stay careful with those post dude. - Brute Captain
Yikes! I didn't know that triple-posting had such big consequenses. It's way better to be warned now than to end up losing my thread. Thanks Brute!
Dude this castle looks sick, but I'm going to have to own u on it, but we'll have to wait until I get the heroic map pack. If only it was 400mp...
Looks cool, Imacheckitout! I like the idea your friend had about the firebomb grenades,that would have a cool effect. Overall it seems like the defenders have more than a slight upper hand,but I will have to check it out for myself. Good work.
I like your new word: imacheckitout. it pwns... thnx for posting on my thread. If you like my friend's idea, you can go crazy on my blank castle map. I've got a link to it on the last page. I R Happy 2 C ma P0s7 getz to 2 pagez... <--- überhappyface!!!