Some kids at my school just got suspended for shutting down all the computers in the school simultaneously.
rofl, I was close to doing that, but I didn't know how to do it over the network for both Macs and PCs, and I didn't want to resort to script kiddie tools.
I don't even know one person that plays that game. Find new ways to express your dislike of something without being homophobic in the process. Thanks, ~Asper
Haha, well *if* they track this back to you, then you have no choice but to tell what happened, as lying will only make it a lot worse. For now, i would just act like you are in the dark as much as everyone else.
all you got to do is confess when you think there getting on to you so that maybe they wont kill you, so they might not find you but my school has novell to say? howed you get to that folder thingy?
That sir, is awesome. I wish I knew half as much about computers as some of you guys do. I only know some basic stuff D:
lo lwhile everyone was at my school party in the gym, i installed ubuntu on all the computers, and set it so you can't uninstall it easily (partitions and stuff, i dont even REMEMBER how i did that long ago, i know, lame) and they didnt un-install it until i did it remotely from the comfort of my own home
LOL! Dude I did the same thing with the background schemes of all the computers! I changed it to a duck when it was supposed to be our school's mascott. They didn't change it back for an entire week.
Yeah, you might be screwed. Anyone else looking to get around things, remember this golden advice: gpedit.msc My student ID is exactly 50001900. Lucky, huh?
Wait, they would have to use a back-up in order to get back in without it. That would let you off wouldn't it?
Well, it looks like they finally figured out how to get past it, because I just checked, and it's back online. Indeed. I was the one there. It was an entirely separate drive that was in a server. Then I somehow managed to edit the security settings. If you want to get into this kinda stuff, make sure you don't just download tools and call yourself a hacker. That's retarded. Awesome-sauce. Wouldn't work where I am, because they use Deep Freeze on all the computers. Plus, booting from CD isn't allowed in the BIOS. You dirty script kiddie, Klink. I'm figuring that they logged into root on the server and edited the file permissions.
haha i cant wait for CBA!!!!! I wish i was a bit more of a computer genius like you though... any tips?
^Sure. Be curious. Don't look at things and take it for granted on how they work. Explore how it's made, how it works, why people use it. Then you'll already be in the perfect mentality for learning anything.
I know you didn't really ask for my help, but I have nothing else to do. Basically everything Nemi said, except don't stop there. Try modifying it, see what you can do with it, so long as you don't violate the rules.
If you have a TI-83+ calculator or above, I highly suggest programming simple things. Not only is it super-useful when you need to quickly figure out standard deviation or whatnot, but it's dead-simple, and it really helps you understand how programs work. Even learning BASIC is good when you consider that it's programming. For an example, I made a program that will randomly add 1, subtract 1, or do nothing to the answer of any calculation you plug in. It's hidden as well, so you will sometimes not even know it's running.