This map requires you to go down a cannon man corridor and survive with things being shot at you... although this kind of map has been done before i tried to refresh it a bit i think i might do a v2 if i can be bothered... Inside View The End Of the 'Jet Chamber' "The Corridor" The Outside View Download Here ..:: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ::.. (Ignore The Description Of The Map Its Cause I Started With A Plain Template)
cool the last pic i think shows it of the best only cause of that ramp i think that is really good the best one for this type of this map really good
i dont understand what all is the point of this game. could you elaborate a bit more for idiots like me
Its Just For Having some Fun with Your Friends... oh and also I didnt interlock as much as i would have liked to so i think ill make a v2
Don't rate your own map it isn't practical. I know you rated this 5/5 because no one seems like this is that good of a map, but any way on to the review. i don't know how the game play would work out i think you could just get out of the map and then run around out side and the aesthetics aren't that great either. 3.6/10
i actually Didnt rate my on map and i know you probaly wont believe me but it wasnt me I agree thats why i would like to make a good v2
no i rated it i just like it i think it looks nice and well made but maybe not really well thought throught
ye ive had a look at the comments and ill make some improvemants like the walls and refining the gameplay
It looks like a good map, and it doesn't look like a bullshit remake of trash compactor, jenga, levels, or any other popular maps, but I don't see why this is in the aesthetics section. But the map still looks fun, 4/5.
well i see uve interlocked thats good most ppl dont take the time... maybe give the hallway a bit more... it needs SOMETHING i dont no what tho... sounds good looks like u did a pretty good job the concept i think i missed u try to make it through the hallway... Right??? i like that... keep it up put more time into v.2 and more to the tunnels other than that looks good...
not another "vent map" those were fun maybe when foundry came out almost a year ago, but its been done countless ammounts of times. this mini game isnt even that fun, there is no way to win if you never become zombie. and this vent looks like the smallest vent ive seen. the big ramp doesnt do much in my opinion, the other maps have ramps, but they arent as big, but they still work better, without having to push things for 1minute just to get one thing in. make a minigame of your own, instead of trying to reincarnate one of mine, and many others' least favorite games
I don't really know what the point of the map is from the description. Just having fun with your friends doesn't tell me anything. It's pretty small too. 1.5/5
This is so amazingly unoriginal. If you're going to remake a map, please at least make it better. (Like 4 floors ver 2)