o yeah... he just released how to do it on bungie.net and i had a drawing of what i was gunna do for a while and i finily found out ( thanks soooo much predator) and i got this, but i do admit you need alot of patients to do pictures like this or you get like this=:irritated:
i forgot the excact date but use the helpfull search bar on bungie to find the forum.. its very clear on how to do it. But you will be warned it takes patiens ( i know i cant spell for sh­it )
Wow this screenshot is epic! The wings are very detailed and i like how its a snowy one .. Great job! =]
That's extremely insane...it's amazing at what people can do with forge. I wanna make a picture using weapons sometime.
oh its very easy, its a hottopic over at bungie.net so i think it should be on the first or second page of the halo 3 forum
You seem to make a lot of winged pictures but this is still pretty nice, in fact it's one of the better ones I've seen. Maybe its the fuel rods that give it a little extra color I don't know. Still 7/10
i spent an hour looking at the fuel rod guns part to think what should go there. thanks for your comment to put this back on page 1.