Lol Supa Midget, depressed teens always make the movies better. Exploding hills are also a must. Another one that sucked was Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. Here's a summary. Big cloud world-eater thing dies, Silver Surfer leaves, Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman get married in Japan End of movie.
When I was 6 years old, the ending made me cry for some reason.( I think it was the music.) The worst movie ever and the worst ending ever is March of The Penguins. I was forced to watch it and one part went like " After doing something pointless for 5 months a penguin comes across something extroadinary. Oh crap! It's just another ice berg... MOVING ON!" The whole movie was watching penguins lay crap and do nothing.
If the mist isnt the worst then deftinately saw 4. It was so retarded how everything was connected but i liked it when the guys head asploded.
goldenknight took the words right out of my mouth . the mist was a really firiggin scary movie. especialy the end made me sick. i would never give up like that and kill my son if i had one and was in a mess like him. if he waited 5 more seconds all of them would have survived lol.
Star wars episode one. ending goes like this: Shitload of droids with big-ass tanks fight retarded lizard people---darth maul inspires a featured map and dies---8 year old kid learns to fly a fighter in about 2 minutes---droids start kicking ass---little kid flies into a random ship and JUST HAPPENS to blow up a conveniently placed controler computer---droids lose due to shitty engineering. AND WORST OF ALL, Jar-Jar didn't die *cries* and another thing, anikin wouldn't be able to fly into the droid ship if they would close the DAMN HANGAR DOOR!!! Also war of the worlds. The aliens spent 50,000 years planning this but forgot to bring their f**cking doctor!
The worst ending is when the character wakes up and it was all a dream. Endings that don't end so you have to watch the next movie are bad too.
Wth goes on in that dudes messed up lettle head. I would deffinanely never, ever talk to that dude. War of the World was a pretty good movie, until the ending, as stated above. It's like, "Look blood, YOU DIE, OMGGGG, we get infected from human blood. OH NOES!!!!!!! Run! RUN!!!" *Gets owned by rocs!!!* That was sertiously a gay ending.
any1 seen that piece of **** movie called "bridge to terebithia" chilidish and gay. now let me explain the movie plot in a quike summary. boy that gets bullied and likes to draw suddeny becoms friends with this girl that lives near him , they go into the forest together and shes like "oh **** the sQUIIIRills r throwing granades at uzz, which for some reeszon loook lik PiNeconeZZ" boy is like "oh **** a litlle dog porcipine piece oh ****..." girl "oh nooooz itz attackssong uz" boy "ah ha i haz ****ing robot arm take this porcipine-dog like thing" then later on in the plot boy is like "ohh nooz my friend died cozz she fell ina river" then he goes into the woods and finds his little sister there who u didnt realise existed untill this point and then it turns out he was imaging all of it . mayb not as quike as i thought it would be but i cant believ i waster my money to watch that in the cinema!!!!
movies schools play about being of good charachtor and being good and that people who get detention 1-time will end-up murdering people and getting sent to jail PhAiL
i dont think all m night movies were bad. I actually enjoyed signs. worst movie ending...errrr.... hahahahah one missed call. biggest joke of a move ever. It was a wtf was that type of thing. For some unknown reason theres a baby holding a cell phone in a burnt down building, and a big dead body in the vents? lol. then the hand that kkilled the girl and for no reason the cat in the beginning was way to big to be a six year olds. terrible, terrible ending.
I am legend becuase Will Smith (not literally just his character) died in it to kill some zombie infected human thing's it was good movie but would be better if he survived.
Cloverfields ending was disappointing. Hoping that some people die in awesome ways and then the main character lives and has happy with his GF. Turns out people died along the way (Head Explodes!) and they are supposedly dead. Although Cloverfield is 95 minutes. The sequel hopefully will explain about all of it and we will see if our favorite characters survived!
Babylon A.D. "A storm is coming, we must go" Said monotone, while it is bright and sunny, not a cloud in the sky. Vin Diesel fails.
"IN YOUR FACE!"omg this was the worst movie ever and in the end there is this ugly ass guys kissing a chicken leg......