Bungie Fixes Melee!!!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Codexx, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. Codexx

    Codexx Ancient
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    It's a dream come true!


    My only concern is that window of "opportunity". It's good for cutting down lag, but I'm worried it still glitches if they just changed the check value and added an alternative to one death resolutions.

    Of course I'm talking about how if one person dies mid-melee, the other is presumed the winner. This means if someone gets killed by shotgun or otherwise instantly, then the other is automatically declared a victor because he is already dead. A security measure designed to make sure only one can live from melee? Maybe something like that, I don't have access to the Source Code. Point is, there's either been a done of coincidences where the winner of a melee happened to be the one not instantly killed mid-melee, or there's a glitch there. maybe the ability for 2 people to die will fix this, I don't know.

    The AU is done, being shipped out soon. Yay! Valentine's day hopper is a go, too!
    It's just too bad, they're getting rid of the flying bodies. I hated them at first, but now I'm grow to like them. :( :squirrel_evil:
  2. monpe45

    monpe45 Ancient
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    yup its awsome know we need to wait for Bungie to release the update and were good
  3. d3v0nst8r

    d3v0nst8r Ancient
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    Praise the Commando shoulders, defy the no flying bodies factor!

    I loved being sent into minor orbit by a melee kill, and sending people into minor orbit by a melee kill.
  4. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    What was so broken about them to start off anyway? They weren't that bad.

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    They were completely random and didn't award skilled players.

    This is great news.
  6. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    How could they be random? Didn't it say the person with the less shield lost?
  7. timmeh

    timmeh Ancient
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    [qoute=Bungie Net]Hammered and Nailed

    With the vast volume of maps and gametypes being created by our Community, a natural evolution of Matchmaking Playlists would be to create a hopper dedicated to Forge creations – user maps like The Great Wall, Anvil and Cell Block 71 – and highlight Community-created gametypes on those maps, or on existing Bungie-built maps.

    The auto update will streamline and solidify the back end and allow us to pull Community-generated content into our Matchmaking Playlist. No, this doesn’t mean that Your Favorite Playlist is going to go away; in fact, it just means that in the foreseeable future there will be a playlist dedicated to your creations.[/quote]

    From the looks of things, they will be adding a forged playlists!

    The melee was determined to precicely, a tiny bit of luck or lag would determine the outcome of a double melee, they loosened the rules and forced you to have a reasonable health advantage to win the double melee, and added the chance for traded kills (you both die).
  8. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    I'm going to miss the flying-bodies glitch.
    Seems like they have a pretty good method of fixing it.
  9. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    If you ask me, I think that's pretty stupid.
  10. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    This will make it more like the Halo 1 melee, where if you hit at the same time and you were both close to death, you both died, instead of one random person surviving for some reason. This is a good thing.
  11. Codexx

    Codexx Ancient
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    The system was controlled by factors that WERE random. AR bullet spread and the like? The system itself was pretty good. It reduced host advantage. Problem was, it never felt right. Being catapulted into the air made it apparent this wasn't anytihng like the old Melee System.

    Basically, the system as whoever has more shield/health took damage. If you had no shields and were melee'd, you were dead. Low shields, too. This was alright in theory. The issue comes in when 2 people melee and one dies. Since it just did a comparison, and determined who had more health and shields, one always died, the other walked away. The system was slightly flawed, but nothing major.

    The real flaw come with it just comparing health. Since AR bullet spread and direction and a person's aim is fairly random, this meant your health at the time of the melee was too. Sure, slightly better aim increases the odds, but it still is pretty random. Since 1 bullet meant the difference between killing, or eating dirt watching someone else smugly walk away thinking they "have mad skillz cuz they won a melee" then it might as well have been random.

    Another issue I had is if 2 people to melee at the same time, both SHOULD die, realistically. I like to use this example: If we applied Melee style mechanics to other systems, it seems pretty stupid. Let's say 2 snipers have their sights on each others' heads. One shoots, instead of an instant kill, the other person has a small window of less than a second. In the case of a simultaneous sniper headshot, the person with most health wins.

    But wait, you say, that's stupid, why should one sniper who legitimately had quicker aim, lose because he had less health? If the sniper bullet hit the enemy first, then the enemy would be dead, and unable to fire a shot back. Exactly. If someone hits first, why should they walk away unscathed(or just shieldless) because they had slightly more health for whatever reason?
  12. Ty

    Ty Guest

    I am a bit upset about the lack of flying spartan corpses ..... but I guess after the AU hits I'll see if I like the melee fix. Most likely it'll just piss off the entire community, but oh well. At least Bungie actually tries to fix stuff.
  13. Jayn0

    Jayn0 Ancient
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    I agree. I'm sure gonna miss those flying spartans...
  14. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    Yup... so many good times. Lol...
  15. iMatty

    iMatty Guest

    Dont get your hopes up. and change the word 'fixes' to 'change' because we dont know how it will turn out.
  16. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    the updates this week isnt it?
  17. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    autoupdate with melee fix is now up. I'll try it out later.
  18. Ty

    Ty Guest

    Personally the melee fix seems to work for me, There where a lot less wtf? moments in the few matches I played yesterday.

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