This is a good map for 1v1 or 2v2 it works for 2v2 1 flag CTF and Team Slayer. It also works for 1v1 Slayer!!! download here Code: download here
omg this way below fh stander for the name of god if you don't know how to post then don't post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is F***ing retarded. Please go to this link on how to post a map correctly. LINK: Forge Hub Halo Forums - Announcements in Forum : Halo Forge Maps Read EVERYTHING and then post your map. If you don't then there's a chance you can get warned like me or even banned. Just telling you since that your new here to ForgeHub. EDIT: Don't rate your own map or you'll get negative rep, And that's babd just to let you know.
Thanks for being oh so helpful You've done that right, however you need to imbed pictures. 1)To do this you need to take some pictures of the map in theater mode. 2)Once you've taken the pictures go to your bungie profile and open up your pictures. 3)Save all the pictures of the map to your computer 4)Get an account on photobucket 5)Upload the pictures to photobucket 6)Put them in your post by either clicking the insert icon Does this help?
I'm sorry everyone I was unprepared to post a map I am trying to FIX ALL THE PROBLEMS PLEASE HOLD ON...
Oh, you will see something that looks like a little chain that you click on it and put a url of the download. But your map isn't even close to being up to its standards. I know everyone will give you a link to the rules, but those didn't help me on my first post at all! Also, you need at least one picture imbedded into your post. You take your pictures of your map and then when they're on, save them into your documents. Now create a file on a picture saving website such as photobucket, that's what I use, it's easy and free. Oh, also when saving the pictures, you go to your hi def pictures then you'll see the little pictures then for each picture for your map, click on it again so it's bigger. Then save it. Once on Photobucket, it will give you instructions. Once your pictures are on Photobucket, they will have urls. Open up a new tab on forgehub. Then when editing your posts you click on the little picture that looks like mountains with a sun. It will then pop up a little thing that says: Please enter a url of the image. Thats as good as I'm gonna tell ya because it took 45 minutes and thats about the best I can tell you anyway.
I got the thread fixed so I don't think there is any complaining needing to be done ( I apoligise for all of the bad posts above and all of the problems this thread has gone through) ( it is my first post again very sorry)
only one picture? I'm not even going to give a review this. This is a horrible post there is no description, not many pictures and i don't think this is a very good map.
If you have one ic why don't you add more? You clearly know how to post pics. ps looking for testers for infection map anyone intrested? message me on live i'm Doodletheory
Okay do not start a new thread and also if you want a thread closed please just ask a mod it is much clearer and also people can still post : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing and as for you pics here they are now no one else post saying there is no pics or you will be reported
looks like a great map - time spent - interlocking - looks great - BUT one picture makes it look amazingly small - i dont know if it is but it realy does look small - 7.5/10 because of size Forgehub screenshot post: Youtube screenshot montarge:
The map thread is not up to standards. It will be locked in 12 hours, because of the lack to create a better map post.
Seems like some others wear giving you a hard time. The interlocking looks good, but I'd like to see more. Also, some parts looks sorta sloppy. Good Job, though!
wow better then i could of dreamed i was sure it was going to be a bunch of stuff that was thrown around but your good for a first poster nice very nice oh and a lil bit sloppy but none the less very good for a first post