so i was just wondering what are peoples least favourite of all the halo 3 maps. and also how could they be saved from all of your hatred, just wondering.
Isolation. There's a Sniper, Rockets, and a Ghost near each other. Remove the Rockets and Ghost, as well as lower the amount of shots in the Sniper, and put a Bubble Shield where the Ghost is. There isn't much cover above either. Bubble Shields (already mentioned), thicker trees and taller rocks would help. Also, in Team Slayer, typical fighting areas are nearly always above ground, and the opposite is true in Objective games, but there isn't really anything to fix that.
I don't see why Bungie seems to have such a lack of skill with making maps work for gameplay especially when compared to some of us teenagers. But I think The Pit would be my least favorite in terms of setup. The two shotguns on either side of the map, both with an extra magazine in them can be way overpowering if one person gets ahold of both and makes their way to the sword tunnel. It is also one of the very few maps in Halo with both a shotgun and sword. The reason there aren't many is because it is generally not a good idea. Another aspect about The Pit that I don't like is the second-level rooms that people can just spawn in. If anybody posted a map here that had such a feature, they would be rather criticized for it. Having an advantage simply from a lucky spawn should never be intentional. The sword tunnel was also not a great idea. If anyone has the sword and is camping in there, they are bound to get a spree of some sort until another player gets a lucky grenade. The only other way to beat a sword ***** here is with the shotgun, but then you've got a shotgun ***** to replace the sword *****. It's just not very well-thought out balance.
probably isolation, mainly because i dont like the way its hard to have your back to a wall when outside, if you know what i mean. To change this, you'd probably have to re-design the map...ha. I dont really like narrows, because i always get owned on it, to change that- il have to get better. Just all the spawns on many maps i'd like to change, i wouldnt know how to do it well, but somehow change the system and how it calculates where to spawn you. i think the pit is fine as it is, campers in sword can be easily taken care of with grenades