I finnaly got the pics Yay I will Describe it Again. This Map is a great map For machinima I would like to see it in a machinima movie. The map Has 4 bedrooms Including the Kings Bedroom A bathroom The princes Room A kitchen A secratary room And An Exiction Play With Slayer Oddball (I know Pics Are Small) Not much money to buy stuff with but i need somone to add a kitchen And people this was My first building Map so dont Critsise me how bad it sucks If you cant see the pics go here: YouTube - The palace The Entrance The Emporor's bed room (inside energy sword an Grav Hammar) The Bathroom The Princes Room.(inside Dumsters Is Rockets Shotgun and Energy Sword and under bed is flame thrower.) The Kitchen(Needs Editing V2 coming Soon The Exicution room( behind the Barriar Is a Energy Sword) Download: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
I see no switch, and the pictures are super small. Look HERE for the How to Embed pictures tutorial. Until that I give no rating.
You need to embed but besides that, why did you double post and advertise at the same time? That picture doesn't even have anything to do with your map! Well you 24 hours to fix this post up. That means embedded pictures, no more double-post, no more advertising, no more irrelevant pictures, and possibly a better description. I can't even comment on the map because of the lack of information
That still doesn't mean it's related to the map Also, fix up the thread title to just the map name (I think it's in advanced settings)
It doesn't look very good or sound very good, and did you edit anything from the original? You double posted, advertised, and spammed all at the beginning of this thread. you should be ashamed. 1/5, one of my worst ratings ever and it makes me cry giving it to anyone D':
your pics seem a bit messed up but your map looks very creative and interesting. id rate it but i cant exactly see it... so i give this map a 2/5 due to a unorganized post SRY!
Before anyone can download this map they are really going to need bigger pics to see what the map looks like.
Don't blame other people if it was you. Also fix your images. I provided the tutorial in an earlier post, and it appears you have already gotten an infraction. If you want us to play your map and rate it, please fix them or else it will be locked by a moderator