
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Shmahogenfogen, Sep 16, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Great!

    1 vote(s)
  2. Fairly enjoyable

    6 vote(s)
  3. Good, for a n3wb

    3 vote(s)
  4. Alright

    2 vote(s)
  5. Bad

    2 vote(s)
  1. Shmahogenfogen

    Shmahogenfogen Ancient
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    Created by Shmahogenfogen


    Supported Gametypes:
    One Flag
    Two Flag
    Viashino Bomber
    (Assault-based custom gametype I will put up when I get it made)

    Map Description
    I haven't been very active as of late, because i've been creating my f irst publicly released FH map. Viashino is the first map i've created with the intent of releasing it, meaning that this the first map that I have interlocked on. So, the interlocking isn't of the highest grade, but it isn't at all a hinderance to gameplay. Now with many hours of forging and re-forging I give you Viashino!! Like they say, pictures speak a thousand words, so i'll let the pictures do the talking...


    Overview 1 - From the back corner of Foundry
    Weapons List
    Rocket Launcher - 0 clip x1 S.R.
    Spiker Grenade x1 I.R.
    Deployable Cover x2
    Grav Lift x1

    Overview 2 - Towards the seperate bases, both make up the red base
    Mongoose x4

    Soccer Base - So named for the soccer balls contained within the base
    Weapons List
    Brute Shot - 1 clip x1
    Beam Rifle x1 S.R.
    Battle Rifle - 1 clip x1
    Plasma Rifle x2
    Frag Grenade x1 I.R.
    Plasma Grenade x2
    Trip Mine x1

    Right Tower - Spikers instead of SMG's
    Weapons List
    Shotgun - 1 clip x1
    Spiker - 1 clip x2
    Covenant Carbne - 2 clip x1 F.R.
    Plasma Grenades x2
    Bubble Shield x1

    Left Tower - SMG's instead of Spkers
    Weapons List
    Shotgun - 1 clip x1
    SMG - 1 clip x2
    Battle Rifle - 2 clip x1 F.R.
    Plasma Grenades x2
    Bubble Shield x1

    Center Tower
    Weapons List
    Spartan Laser x1
    Needler - 2 clip x1

    Central Base
    Weapons List
    Sniper Rifle - 2 clip x1 S.R.
    Battle Rifle - 2 clip x1
    Covenant Carbine - 2 clip x1
    Frag Grenade x1 I.R.
    Plasma Grenade x2
    Regenerator x1 F.R.

    Mauler Pit - There are two of them/Safe and Unsafe area at the same time
    Weapons List
    Mauler - 1 clip x1 S.R.

    Right Base
    Weapons List
    Assault Rifle - 2 clip x1 I.R.
    Battle Rifle - 2 clip x1 S.R.
    Spiker - 2 clip x2
    Brute Shot - 2 clip x1 S.R.
    Plasma Grenade x 2
    Power Drain x 1

    Left Base
    Weapons List
    Assault Rifle - 2 clip x1 I.R.
    Battle Rifle - 2 clip x1 S.R.
    SMG - 2 clip x2
    Brute Shot - 2 clip x1 S.R.
    Plasma Grenade x 2
    Power Drain x 1


    There will be an accompanying gametype named Viashino Bomber soon. Sorry to anyone who was displeased by my prior attempt to release this map, but it's out now....please don't hold back on this one. I need to figure out what I do wrong for future maps. For those who want to know: F.R.= Fast Respawn, S.R.= Slow Respawn, I.R.= Instant Respawn

    Download Viashino
    #1 Shmahogenfogen, Sep 16, 2008
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009
    Gollygeeanelite likes this.
  2. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Hey man nice map! Give me one minute to post suggestions...ok, now I see this map and I like it's design, but I can tell you a few things you can do to make it more unique. First off, Always flip your boxes, it looks better and weapons aren't hidden into the retarded metal area that covers the center of the box. Secondly, interlock the corner walls in overview two, make it so you can shoot over them so they are barrier height. Thirdly,interlock the bridge into the boxes in overview two, the bump is very annoying. Make it flush by stacking two dumsters on top of one another on both sides of the bridge, grab the bridge, then drop it. Lastly, remove some of the mongooses. It's tough to drive them on any Foundry map. Good map, but some improvements could get a download from me.
  3. Shmahogenfogen

    Shmahogenfogen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, but i left out the weapons lists i'll edit that now....
  4. The Juice Guy

    The Juice Guy Ancient
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    you can only have the map name in the title
  5. Riujin Zer0

    Riujin Zer0 Ancient
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  6. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
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    Spam much?!

    Anyway... You should try taking your pictures from a custom game rather than a Forge session so you don't get those annoying teardrop things. Also as a note on the "central base" you may want to interlock that bridge down into the double boxes so there is no bump when you walk along that part.

    You may also want to spend some time learning how to geomerge because it looks like you were having some trouble with the bases meeting the wall of Foundry. Because of Foundry's little bump at the bottom of its walls, boxes don't meet flush causing unsightly gaps for players/grenades/other things. The answer is geomerging. By merging the boxes into the wall of Foundry itself you can remove those gaps and make the map play smoother. Just something to think about if you plan on making a V2
  7. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    First off, Always flip your boxes, it looks better and weapons aren't hidden into the retarded metal area that covers the center of the box. Secondly, interlock the corner walls in overview two, make it so you can shoot over them so they are barrier height. Thirdly,interlock the bridge into the boxes in overview two, the bump is very annoying. Make it flush by stacking two dumsters on top of one another on both sides of the bridge, grab the bridge, then drop it. Lastly, remove some of the mongooses. It's tough to drive them on any Foundry map. Anyway... You should try taking your pictures from a custom game rather than a Forge session so you don't get those annoying teardrop things. Also as a note on the "central base" you may want to interlock that bridge down into the double boxes so there is no bump when you walk along that part. You may also want to spend some time learning how to geomerge because it looks like you were having some trouble with the bases meeting the wall of Foundry. Because of Foundry's little bump at the bottom of its walls, boxes don't meet flush causing unsightly gaps for players/grenades/other things. The answer is geomerging. By merging the boxes into the wall of Foundry itself you can remove those gaps and make the map play smoother. Just something to think about if you plan on making a V2. you can only have the map name in the title, remember that.

    4/5 for now
    5/5 with improvements!
  8. Shmahogenfogen

    Shmahogenfogen Ancient
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    Thanks everybody, but keep in mind this is the first map i've even interlocked on. So, geomerging was almost a foreign concept to me at the time. I know the bridge in the central base should have been interlocked but after 11 hours of straight forging I was ready to be done. The dumpster stacking idea is perfect for making those flush, I never would of thought of that!
  9. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    I really like the bases they are great i would like to play this on MLG gametypes, try turning the double boxes over and maybe try and make a way up to the bridge in the middle.
  10. Shmahogenfogen

    Shmahogenfogen Ancient
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    If you didn't notice, the Weapons List under Overview 1 (these are items located in general areas of the map), a grav lift is listed. This grav lift is just in front of the center tower, on the other side of the fence wall where the sniper's located.
  11. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I can see that this map has gameplay as a potential factor. I also notice you have interlocked, but not as much as I expected. This map looks good, I would add more cover tho.
  12. Shmahogenfogen

    Shmahogenfogen Ancient
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    I think there's plenty of cover....the barriers are almost excessive....
  13. God Of Forge

    God Of Forge Ancient
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    Tbh, it looks more like an infectino map than a competitive map. It's good, but it has a little too much open areas. I also really don't see the need of mongooses. (mongeese?)
  14. Shmahogenfogen

    Shmahogenfogen Ancient
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    Well, this has been a long time to reply. I've worked on another map since the posting of this one, and i've revisted this to get some ideas going for the new one by discussing the old one. I know the mongoose's need to be taken out, and I never did follow through on the custom gametype. The map just never got re-done. :(
    I've got a pretty solid template down for this new map i'm making, it's just....ever since Viashino, I can't move beyond templates. I'll construct a base play a game with a buddy, and tear it down. So, I want feedback on this one to give me idea's for what is currently known as Proj2 on my console. I want to make [Proj2] a good map so i'd appreciate a comment or two. If you think you'd like the map, feel free to download it. Just leave any feedback you might have. Thanks.
  15. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    First off, you can only have the name of the map in the title. You can't say "Finally I give you..." unless it's in the map title. Which it isn't.

    Now, the comments:
    Too open, It'd be a lot better to have more cover
    Flip the boxes, It looks and plays better
    Ditch the vehicles, some competitive maps can use vehicles, but this one isn't fit for them.

    Other than that, looks good!

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