Its not, its a reflection from the (blue) slope that you are standing on... Just like when you place a box under the light it gets lighter....dur.
What the official y35 said. Duh... lol. Well as amazing as this is I'm not gonna rate this because it is not in all reality a real picture but if you absolutely want one here you. Spoiler 2/10
Yeah its just like the blue boxes. Anyway, the shot itself isn't that great but I know that's not the purpose of the shot. It's cool anyway.
im pretty sure thats i little light on the wall not a bullet lol good idea you almost made me believe you there! lolz
I am pretty sure that its the reflection of the blue slope, or something else off camera. Are you even sure that's a bullet? Maybe its a bullet case.
guys guys.. i'll do another shoot there and I'll see if I can't reproduce this from a different angel and get close enough to the casing/wall object Ladies and germs the explanation ..