If you are making a map or have a finished map, but haven't posted it yet, post a teaser pic of the map here! I will start by showing you guys a pic of my new map, Impulse! This is my new map Impulse. It is a 2-6 player map (1v1 2v2 3v3). It is my first map that I used geomerging and my second using interlocking. In the far back of this picture, you can kind of see my favorite part of the map. It is a hallway with a ton of interlocking that took a total of about 6 hours to make. Just that one part! Give it a small description too to help people get a feel for the map! Well, I hope you like the map and hope others will post their maps too!
Looks very good. I don't know how big it is but, before you post you need to add more cover. But I can't wait. lol. 5/5!!!!!!!
Thanks for all the comments on my map, but I really posted this for everyone else to show off their maps... mine was simply an example.
This map looks AMAZING. I can't wait for it to come out. There is one concen though.. I'm a little concerned about how to movable wall will affect gameplay(the dumpsters and the crate) and the window panels.
It is completely finished, but I am making changes that affect the gameplay (positively). I think you can see more pictures on my Photobucket account: PhotoBucket! The crates and dumpsters will not move as they are supported by weapon holders in the back and a teleporter in the front. It is the barrier that blocks people from getting out of the map. So far no one has even come close to escaping the map! Good eye though!
Looks good! I like that layout that you made. What is the name of the map? And when will it be available for us to dl?
This is my one thats gon be small im doing alone, the one i think is gonna be great im doing with the X shadow kind, i might add another post with a pic, but i dont wanna giev it away
Sure! Anything is fine, I just want to see what people are making right now! Just post an overview or something. It is called Impulse. I will probably post it this coming weekend for everyone to download, but if you are eager, you can go onto my Fileshare and download it now, just be aware that there might be minor changes in the future!
the map looks great but i sugest taking the shield doors out of that open single box because it has a very large potential to become a camping spot. also for meer aesthetic quality merge the box sideways and interlock it into the outside of that tunnel thingy. Just a suggestion
Awesome Bloumbas, looks like an intense 1v1 map! I like how you curved the double boxes on the top to make a curved floor. Can't wait for the finished result! I actually added those shield doors because in the previous version, everytime you got the camo, you were instantly killed. And it isn't a camping spot because you can throw grenades behind the box and bounce them off the wall in the back. There isn't a shield door in the back entrance. Sorry for the bad picture of the camo. I'll remember to specify that in the map post. Anyone else going to post a preview of their map?
I love how impulse looks and I would post a pic of my own map but just one peek would give the entire thing away. One thing though, I'm pretty sure there was another map posted here on FH not too long ago at all that was also called Impulse. If I can find it I'll post a link to it.
I would post a pic... But my Xbox has the RROD and I cant take a pic =,( anyway looks like a nice map can't wait to download!