Does anyone want to setup an achievement game for lone wolves? I only need overkill and two for one, and then I will finally have theSECURITY armor. I will also help you out on any other achievements you need. So just message me if you want some achievements. GAMERTAG : II BLUDSHOT II . I might not respond to you right away because my time zone is different because I live in GUAM, but I will try my best to get back to you. THANKS. LOOK AT THAT BEUTY.
If you change the xbox language to one of the languages there is a load of english speaking people trying to get achievements .. Search google =]
You could always get the acheivments legit. They are really easy acheivments. Now im not just saying that because I think im good (because im only a colonel grade 2) All 3 of my XBL accounts have the Overkill achevment. On one of my accounts I didnt even need to use a gun!
Be patient, wait for Legendary brawl for 2 for 1, hop into lone wolves and get the sniper for overkill (or shotty), and grab that mongoose on Highground. Oh, and grab the ghost for a killing frenzy on snowbound. Achievement games are for the failures and the desperate.